Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Moving from Basecamp 2 to Basecamp 4 | Basecamp Office Hours

In this Basecamp Office Hours session (recorded live on July 13, 2023), Ashley and Kimberly from 37signals he Basecamp Customer Success team are joined by Basecamp People Operations team – Head of People Andrea LaRowe, and Recruiter Bethany Weidmeier. During this one-hour session, the team shows how Basecamp can be set up for company Human Resource functions, recruiting, and onboarding new employees. The Basecamp team also answer customer questions live during the webinar.

Why thought diversity is important for agile teams

Diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. And when we say “diverse” we mean teams with different characteristics or traits, such as professional experience, life experience, identities, roles, etc. These individual differences create diversity of thought. That might feel like an overstatement or a broad generalization, but there’s plenty of research that backs it up. Diverse groups are better at: With such clear benefits, thought diversity offers a boost to any type of team.

How to measure and improve call center productivity

Call centers are often on the front line of customer experience and CX, making them crucial business touchpoints. And with the rise of automation and AI technologies, customers expect quick responses and fast resolutions to their problems. While these new technologies bring incredible new ways to serve and delight your customers, customers still turn to call centers and contact centers for complex issues that require human expertise to untangle.

Choosing and Customizing Your Finance and Accounting BPO Services

Unearth the secrets of effective Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for your finance and accounting needs. Discover how to identify a suitable BPO partner, customize your processes, and ensure a seamless shift from in-house to outsourced services. Find out how advanced staff surveillance applications can help!

Transforming Call Center Efficiency with Workforce Management

Understand the components of WFM including forecasting, agent scheduling, intraday management, and performance management. Discover the transformative potential of WFM in improving agent satisfaction, delivering consistent customer service, and realizing significant cost savings. Learn how remote workforce management software streamlines processes and aids data-driven decision-making.

Choosing the Right Timesheet App for Your Business Needs

In today’s fast-paced and digitized world, time tracking has become essential for businesses of all sizes. Managing and monitoring employees’ working hours, projects, and tasks can be a challenging task. But with the right timesheet app, the process can be streamlined and simplified. In this article, we will guide you through the process of selecting the ideal timesheet app that caters to your business needs.

Kanban Board Examples & Project Management Templates

Many have seen the word. Far fewer could tell you what it really means (or how to pronounce it… hint: “con-bon”). Something to do with manufacturing? A tool for software developers? A style of project management? Try all of the above. Kanban is one of the most effective tools available for managing project-based work. Interested in Kanban but not sure where to begin? Let’s explore some real Kanban board examples and templates.

Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange and Outlook

In this tutorial video, we’ll be walking you through troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange and Outlook issues for end users, utilizing CloudReady Synthetics and Service Watch Desktop. Email is the lifeblood of most companies and any performance or accessibility issues with Exchange or Outlook are extremely impactful to end users. These issues can be extremely expensive to organizations whether it be the cost of downtime or the cost of time spent troubleshooting the issues.

Fostering Team Excellence: 11 Engaging Activities To Cultivate Team Bonding | Workstatus

Discover how Workstatus, a powerful team management tool, can help you enhance collaboration, boost productivity, and foster excellence within your team. In this video, we delve into the features and benefits of Workstatus, showcasing how it does the following: Unlock your team's full potential with Workstatus and achieve outstanding results. Watch now to learn more about this innovative solution for fostering team excellence!