Learn effective strategies for managing remote writers to ensure productivity and high-quality content. Optimize your team's workflow with employee monitoring and productivity software like Insightful.
Discover how to provide constructive feedback to remote teams using the MBO model. Learn how to set objectives, monitor progress, and align employee goals with company targets to maximize remote team performance.
If your remote team is distributed around the world, how can you make sure they’re completing tasks efficiently—or even working at all? With a reliable remote employee monitoring platform, you can manage your team and track their activity during work hours without having to micromanage every project. So which app is the right choice for your team?
Meet John, a busy project manager at a software development company. With numerous projects to manage and deadlines to meet, John finds tracking time spent on every project difficult. That’s when he came across Workstatus! The software helped him to.
Fifty-eight percent of those who made tech investments for their business over the last 12-18 months report having buyer’s remorse. Choosing the best project management tools for your agency is critical to your success. Unfortunately, as the survey cited above shows, investing in the wrong software is a common (and expensive) problem. Projects that stall, fall apart, or lack proper execution and accountability suck resources from your agency.
In this blog post, explore practical strategies for managing conflicts in remote teams and learn how Insightful's employee monitoring and productivity software can help employers identify and address potential issues before they escalate.
Whether you’re looking for a feature-rich platform or a simple and user-friendly interface, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive list includes the 8 best okr software that caters to a wide range of industries, team sizes, and budget constraints. Plus, we’ll provide you with key features, pros, and cons of each software to help you make an informed decision. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the world of okr management software!