Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

June 2024

Reverse groups & Swimlane order | New Release Overview

New Feature Release: Reverse Views Group & Swimlane Order! In our latest update, we're excited to introduce a highly requested feature: Reverse Views Group & Swimlane Order. This enhancement allows you to easily organize your data views, ensuring you can focus on the most relevant information for better visualization and usability.

Achieving Cross-Team Alignment: Best Practices for Synchronizing OKRs

One of the most valuable attributes of the Objectives and Key Results prioritization framework – and why we’re so thrilled that we’ve incorporated OKRs into the platform – is how effectively it can help you bring together different departments across your company to work productively toward shared big-picture goals. Most of the other prioritization frameworks you’ve heard of – weighted scoring, the MoSCoW method, RICE, etc.