Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

March 2024

How to Choose the Right AI Vendor for your Enterprise

The emergence of Generative AI pushes for rapid adoption of AI like no other technological innovations in recent times. Everyone wants to use Generative AI for its reasoning, logic, and problem-solving skills independent of human oversight. The wave of opportunities Generative AI brings is clear evidence that AI or GenAI would take very little time to become mainstream. Companies want to train or build proprietary models for various business use cases.

The Future of Contact Centers in Generative AI Era

Does your contact center give you what you need to solve your customers’ problems or increase agent efficiency? A contact center with the traditional system can limit customers’ ability to find answers and solve problems autonomously while also adding to agents’ woes. Built on top of Generative AI, a contact center helps transform the customer service experience by making contact centers and their agents more efficient.