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What We Now Know are the Negative Effects of Work from Home

Back when COVID-19 triggered a massive exodus for workers from the office to their homes, many organizations found a silver lining to the disruption. They found out what their mettle was made of. They found resilience. Working from home was all the rage. I personally read article after article glorifying the new normal of remote work — and it certainly does have its upside. At the beginning of the pandemic, many companies were concerned that remote working would be damaging to productivity.

4 Ways to Boost User Adoption of Your Information Management System

Change is certainly tough on any organization — the scope, scale or specific nature of that change doesn’t actually matter. Some changes are major — like with digital transformation initiatives. When an organization decides that they are investing in a new information management system, for example, it can represent a change to the fundamental way people work — a positive change, but one that requires an adjustment, nonetheless.

3 Weak Spots Where Your Information Governance Breaks Down

To say that information governance is critical in the fast-paced digital era that we’re currently living in is probably a little bit of an understatement. Every day, businesses are creating countless volumes of data that contain the insight necessary to guarantee success for the next five, ten or even twenty years of that organization’s existence.

What is a Document Management System? And Why is it Useful?

What is a document management system? Put simply, a document management system is an automated business software solution used to organize, secure, store, capture, digitize, and tag business files. Many document management systems extend beyond basic functionality to include document-related workflows.

A Simple 5-Step Process to Ensure Compliance Among a Mountain of Documents: The LIBOR Transition Use Case

At first, this may seem like an esoteric article aimed only at a financial services audience that deals in arcane concepts like shifting bank rates, currency exchange markets, and the LIBOR transition. But bear with me, here. What you’ll find is that the way financial sector companies can manage a voluminous and complex body of contracts and documents is applicable across the board for other document-related compliance triage.

The 5 Sources of Digital Transformation Failure

At its core, a digital transformation is all about taking the business you have today and helping it evolve into the organization you WANT to be running tomorrow through a newer and more innovative approach to technology. It’s a way to modernize your infrastructure, improve user experience, and create a bold new company culture — all at the exact same time. It is possible to get this all wrong, however, and the results could be disastrous if you’re not careful.

How to Get Your Executives' Blessing for Your Information Management Project

If you had to make a list of some of the major reasons why an information management project might fail — particularly those that are a part of full scale digital transformations — a lack of executive buy-in would undoubtedly be right at the top.

Case Study: Healthcare Provider Cuts their Paper-Pushing Time by 20% to Spend More Time with Patients

The world’s healthcare workers have taken center stage in 2020, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The work they do to keep patients healthy is tough work — hallmarked by long shifts and lots of information to digest and record. Anyone in the healthcare space will attest to the fact that managing information sits at the center of their work. They need to access patient information, process insurance claims, record new patient information, among tons of other document-related work.

How to be a Successful Consulting Firm Professional in a Project-Based Business

By far, the most successful consulting companies are doing more than just operating at high efficiency. They’re actually well-oiled machines, working via a thoughtfully designed infrastructure that allows them to deliver on projects AND engagements in a way that other organizations simply cannot match. Therefore, if you truly want to be a successful consulting firm professional in a project-based business, there are a number of important things that you’ll definitely need to keep in mind.