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Why Performance Analysis is Crucial for Your Business

Performance analysis is an important aspect of managing any business and if done properly can help management teams use data analysis to their advantage to further business growth. The old adage “what gets measured, gets improved” isn’t quite true. What gets measured simply gives an empirical basis for improvement.

How to Set Up a Content Workflow Management System for your Team

For any online business to scale via organic means content marketing and a content workflow management process are crucial for creating growth workflows that every digital business should be starting with. Do we still need to remind ourselves of the value of content creation? Hopefully Not! I believe you create content on a weekly or monthly basis and you know the value of content.

8 Easy And Doable Tips To Increase Productivity At Work

The world of work has come a long way in the last year. And it feels nothing like what we’d expected. No 9 to 5 workday, no desk in a tower—Today’s work culture has locked our personal and professional life under one roof. Now, we don’t mind the change as such. Companies that earlier couldn’t imagine adopting remote work are thriving under the new circumstances.

What Does Y=f(X) Mean Regarding Project Management?

Y=f(x) is a common principle used when managing projects. Given its complexity I figured to put together an all inclusive guide for project management professionals at any stage to understand how to us Y=f(X) and how to implement it properly in Nifty. There are two types of people in the world regarding brain functionality; right-brained and left-brained. This notion implies that one side of their brain is dominant.

7 Benefits of Cross Functional Collaboration

Cross functional collaboration is an important aspect of creating company culture and a sense of unity beyond the office building. As the all star Quarterback Tom Brady once said if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This quote can have a different meaning for everyone but in the workplace, it’s pretty clear. Getting work done on your own can produce some results more quickly.

9 Challenges I Faced While Working Remotely

It’s easy to say that remote work is a piece of cake. After all, who doesn’t want to have the flexibility that comes with working from home? This is how most people who’ve never tried remote work think about it. In reality, remote work comes with its challenges. As a person, who’s been working from home most of my life, I had to overcome them as well. Although, it was less stressful since I wasn’t forced to work remotely by the global pandemic.

What Are Scrum Artifacts and How Do I Use Them?

Want to keep your team and the stakeholders on the same page about the project? Ever tried considering the use of scrum artifacts in your business? Using scrum artifacts is necessary for your scrum team if you care about the success of your projects. They also can inspire productivity in the era of digital offices. Here in this article, we will elaborate on scrum artifacts and will tell you how you can use them. Sign Up Here for free to use Scrum Artifacts in your Project Management tool!

Agile Meetings 101, How to conduct them properly

Agile meetings have two specific features that set them apart from regular meetings: they are focused on delivering value, and are strictly time-boxed. In fact, these two features make them quite productive, in contrast to most other regular meetings. These meetings are inseparable from an effective agile approach to product development. The reason is ingrained in the nature of agile approaches.