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Latest Posts Web 0.17 and iOS 0.7.6-Smaller Footprint, Faster Launch

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of Web 0.17, landing a dramatically improved launch time and a ~70% reduction in memory use on Web! iOS users will already see the speedup (since 0.7.6 which landed October 5); for web/desktop users we’ll be turning the feature on gradually over the next week — you’ll see a notification next time you start the app, when the speedup has activated. Web 0.14 is HERE!!!

After far too long a wait, 0.14 is here (landing in conjunction with Synapse 0.27.3) and it’s a big one! We’re landing (big breath in): community filters, publicly-joinable communities, E2E stability across multiple tabs, E2E key re-request UX, granular settings, performance and memory footprint refactors, a new ‘Status’ theme and a whole bunch of languages! *phew*