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The EU Digital Markets Act is here.

March 7th 2024 is the deadline for large messaging providers (so called ‘gatekeepers’) to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act regulation, which requires them to offer interoperability to third party messaging services. This lets users use their preferred messaging service, rather than being obligated to use the same service that their contacts happen to be on.

What is in-app communication and how to excel at it

Did you know that the average smartphone user has around 80 apps installed on their device? Yet, users only use about 9 of these apps more frequently than the others. User engagement trends have undergone a significant shift in recent years, and in-app communication strategies are proving to help capture and retain users' attention. In-app chat refers to the messages, notifications, and prompts that users encounter while using an app, guiding them through various features, updates, and offers.

7 essential messaging SDK components

Real-time communication has taken the centerstage for business growth and user retention. In-app messaging applications empower businesses to engage with customers instantly. Without this, businesses become vulnerable to competition losing out on customer base and revenue potential. As per Business of Apps estimates, However, building a new chat app from scratch is complicated. It consumes considerable time, effort, and resources.

Advancing Team Collaboration with Memorable Domain Names

Picture your team, each member's brain buzzing like a well-oiled machine, seamlessly exchanging ideas. Now imagine if a single, memorable domain name could turbocharge this process. It can. The strategic pick of a domain is not just an address; it's the fuel for efficient team collaboration and communication. Consider Troop Messenger as your digital roundtable—the place where minds meet and innovation sparks.

What Your Communication Styles Say About You

Technology and the evolving needs of companies have changed workplace roles across generations. Similarly, the ways we communicate with colleagues have also undergone shifts. Decades ago, people mostly relied on handwritten messages. Then, they began creating documents on typewriters, and the computers. More recently, many employees are resorting to just texting things to each other at work, or at least using email.

50+ Amazing Team Collaboration Tools

Effective team collaboration is a hot trend in the business world, where team collaboration tools play a vital role in improving both the process and the final outcome of teamwork by saving time, money, and energy. You can easily find a lot of strategies and how-tos describing ways to enhance employees’ performance and boost productivity. However, nobody gives you guarantees that the advice you’ve decided to follow will work for sure and produce tangible results.

How to Create Compelling Lead Magnets to Attract Quality Leads

People won’t give you their email addresses for no reason. If someone approaches you and asks for your contact details just because would you give those to them? I’m sure you won’t. To get access to quality leads, you must build rapport before asking for their emails. Lead magnets help with this. But they need to be relevant and compelling enough for your prospects to be willing to get them in exchange for email addresses.

8 best chat SDK and APIs to build great messaging experiences

Nowadays, where instant satisfaction and real-time communication are necessary, companies and individuals are always looking for new and creative methods to interact with their audience. This is where Chat SDKs (software development kits) come into play. With these tools and resources, developers may easily design dynamic, connection-focused chat functionality in their applications.

Meet Element R: our new unified crypto implementation

We’ve created a common cryptographic library implementation in Rust - codenamed Element R - for all our Element clients. With the latest release of Element Web and Desktop, the new implementation is now deployed across all of our mobile and desktop apps (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux and Web) and means we can now start to realise its full potential.

Improving digital communication in healthcare in 2024

Did you know that over half of patients are willing to switch providers if their digital communication needs aren't met? As a result, many healthcare businesses are increasingly adapting customer experience team strategies to improve patient satisfaction. A key element of these innovations is the integration of digital patient communication platforms in healthcare. Recent years have seen a dramatic transition in the healthcare industry.