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The inside story of how Figma made FigJam-and changed how we brainstorm forever

When Figma CEO Dylan Field gave his keynote at Config, the company’s annual design conference in April 2021, he took the opportunity to restate a core value. More than a year after Covid-19 sent millions into physical isolation, Field’s message carried new gravity: “Nothing great is made alone.” During his 22-minute presentation, he revealed that nine-year-old Figma was debuting a new product called FigJam. It felt particularly appropriate for the moment.

How to Gain Respect in the Workplace: Leadership Tips That Earn Employees' Respect

Where is the line between respect and fear? Certainly, it’s a blurred one! And in the workplace, respect is something that has to be earned. When it comes to the workplace, many people think respect is all about being in a position of authority. However, this isn’t always the case. Employees respect leaders who are genuine and honest with them and who care about their well-being. Yes, respect is more along the lines of kindness and openness than authority itself.

Collaborative Leadership Style: How to Create a People-Centric Team

In this article, we will explore the world of collaborative leadership. What is it? Why do people need to learn it? How can you implement it in your company? And last but not least, how do you get started on the journey toward creating a people-centric team? The collaborative leadership style is a style of leadership that focuses on creating a culture where employees feel supported and valued as individuals.

Situational leadership: What is it, benefits, and more

If you’re a leader, you’ve hit a “leadership roadblock” at some point: Whether you’ve been in leadership for a long time or have just recently transitioned into a leadership role, leadership walls or roadblocks happen to everyone eventually. As one of the four key functions of management, leadership is an integral part of every manager’s job. Leading well requires finding new tactics and strategies to overcome even the most complex leadership challenges.

Managing remote teams: 5 things leaders should know + best practices

Remote work is growing at a rapid pace. According to the latest research from McKinsey & Company, 58% of the U.S. workforce has the opportunity to work from home at least one day a week, while 35% have the option five days a week. This data holds true across all industries and job types, including both “blue collar” and “white collar” jobs that traditionally required on-site work.

10 common management styles: Which one is right for you?

How you lead and interact with your team can be a balancing act even on a good day. It’s no surprise when there are so many factors at play. Some management styles may be more effective for particular team members, departments, or workplace cultures. Others may come naturally to you based on your personality, talents, or industry experience. Whichever approach you lean toward, it’s worth understanding all the common management styles.

Leadership and teamwork: 10 ways leaders can help their teams

What makes a great leader? When Chris Hadfield was commanding the International Space Station, he learned that it’s not about seeking out individual greatness to make yourself look good. Instead, he found that excellent leadership is about building up the people around you: trusting them, empowering them, and ultimately, enabling them to contribute their expertise so that the team can become more than the sum of its parts.

Best Practices for Managing Teams with Different Backgrounds

No matter the domain, managing teams, is one of the challenging and crucial duties for every manager. A manager will be recruited for more than just managing the Company's finances, profit, and loss; managing the team and groups is also a necessary duty. The most significant error made by small to large businesses is choosing employees for promotions or hiring based on their knowledge of the sector rather than their people management skills.

CEO activism can attract the best talent. Here's why CEOs might want to avoid it.

The world has become increasingly politically polarized, and leaders of its biggest companies aren’t immune. When a CEO shares their view on a divisive issue—via a tweet, an op-ed, or monetary donation—they will create admirers and enemies. However, taking a stand is increasingly seen as a signal of their authentic character and, by extension, leadership style. Every CEO takes a risk when they become sociopolitically active, and that decision has downstream effects.