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M-Files Fundamentals: Finding information with metadata | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn how to use metadata to find information instantly and reliably. In M-Files it doesn't matter where your information. What matters is what it is and what it's related to. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.

M Files Fundamentals: Views | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn about views and how they are way better than folders. Views are a favorite feature among our users. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.

M Files Fundamentals: Better Collaboration | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn how the M-Files way of managing information eliminates typical collaboration pains like versioning chaos. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.

M Files Fundamentals: Managing Information | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn how M-Files manages your information for you, using all sorts of features like metadata, notifications, and workflows. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.

Experience Better Document Management Through Metadata

The M‑Files metadata‑driven document management platform enables knowledge workers to instantly find the right information in any context, automate business processes, and enforce information control. This provides businesses with a competitive advantage and substantial ROI as they deliver superior customer experiences and higher‑quality work with lower risk.

M-Files Fundamentals - We are going folderless | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, Michael and Scott talk through some of the perils of managing information with folders and you'll get a glimpse of Span & Flex's journey to M-Files. You'll also learn about what metadata is and how you use it to retrieve information instantly and reliably. No folders, no location.

M-Files Fundamentals - What the heck is Metadata | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, Michael and Scott talk through some of the perils of managing information with folders and you'll get a glimpse of Span & Flex's journey to M-Files. You'll also learn about what metadata is and how you use it to retrieve information instantly and reliably. No folders, no location.

M Files Fundamentals: Saving Information with Metadata | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn what metadata is and how you use it to save information for easy and quick management and retrieval. No folders, no location. You'll also get introduced to saving information with metadata cards. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.

M Files Fundamentals: Saving Information with Metadata | The Smarter Way To Work

This video is part of a series called M-Files Fundamentals, where you'll learn the basics of managing information with the M-Files folderless information management solution. In this video, you'll learn what metadata is and how you use it to save information for easy and quick management and retrieval. No folders, no location. You'll also get introduced to saving information with metadata cards. This video series has been provided by the M-Files Training unit.