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Coordinated disclosure of XML round-trip vulnerabilities in Go's standard library

This blog post is a part of Mattermost’s public disclosure of three serious vulnerabilities in Go’s encoding/xml related to tokenization round-trips. The public disclosure comes as a result of several months of work, including collaborating with the Go security team since August 2020 and with affected downstream project maintainers since earlier this month.

Maintaining consistency in codebases with Go Vet

Maintaining success in a large open source project is one of the key objectives of Mattermost. We have hundreds of contributors and we want to create a project that could serve as a model in the Go community. Having said that, following idiomatic Go principles is the thing that we care most about while maintaining our code consistency. For this specific task, we utilized go vet and with this blog post, I would like to explain how we pushed the limits of this tool by extending it.

Go: Idiomatic error handling

Go is an extremely opinionated programming language. import something in a file that’s not used? It won’t compile, and there’s no flag to override. While there are workarounds, the end result remains the same: Go files are never cluttered by unused imports. This is true for all Go code everywhere, making every Go project more accessible. Not all Go opinions are enforced by the compiler.