Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The 9+ Slack Alternatives to Choose From

Collaboration applications are built for easing communication in business. They empower co-workers to communicate and share ideas across diverse teams and projects in order to attain the best work results! Regardless of form and size, these days workplaces would certainly need a tool to interact with each other digitally. It is evident that most of the companies until now rely on Skype for peer-to-peer communication.

How to Meet Customer Expectations From Modern On-demand Platforms

Be it getting a ride whenever you want or ordering your favorite pizza from the comfort of your couch, on-demand platforms have made our lives quite convenient. A recent Burson-Marsteller’s survey about on-demand economy found that 86.5 Million Americans (42% of adult population) have used an on-demand service already. Added to this, the Harvard Business Review declared that the wide array of OnDemand apps and platforms have been adding 22.4 million users every year.