Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


How to run an icebreaker | Confluence + MURAL | Atlassian

Need to build team trust? Run an icebreaker. Understanding your teammates as real people—not skill sets—increases trust and elevates team performance. This How-to video includes: “Trading Cards” exercise from Gamestorming How to set up a MURAL board Demo of filling out board Adding and sharing in Confluence

24 Virtual Team Building Activities Remote Teams Love in 2021

Looking for some effective team building exercises to bring your team together? As a former leadership trainer and coach, I have run several types of team building activities for teams of several sizes – with participants ranging from entry level employees to C-level executives. But with COVID-19 disrupting businesses all over, most teams have been forced to go remote. So how do you run team building games for remote teams? Don’t worry! You can always run virtual team building activities.

15 Qualities of A Great Team Member

When you are part of a great team, going to work in the morning feels joyous and exciting. There is a special feeling when your teammates are working towards the same goal as you – you’re able to share in the camaraderie of the journey, as well as the achievements. Through synergy, good teams are able to create an end result far outweighing what each individual could produce themselves. However, in order to create a successful team, it’s essential that you pick the right members.

5 Predictions For the Future of Agile and Teams

As a consultant, I have had the privilege of working with a large number of organisations; from world-class software development powerhouses, to startups just getting their feet wet. No matter the size, the technology, or the market, they all have at least one common interest: to gain a competitive advantage. They might not always word it the same way from company to company, but it’s what they want.

5-step internal communications strategy: reducing the chaos of how teams talk

Find yourself drowning in notifications or constantly jumping between meetings lately? Well, you’re not alone. In fact, only 7% of employees believe communication is “accurate, timely, and open” at work. Yikes. Given the rise of remote work, companies are struggling more than ever to communicate effectively. And while some teams feel like they’re totally in the dark, others are stuck staring at Slack channels or Zoom calls instead of actually working.