Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Your guide to team development with contractors

All teams – established or brand new – go through changes. At times, contractors need to be brought in to fulfil a specific need with their skills. This can be a real boon to your teams, if it’s handled well and there are plenty of benefits to bringing in contractors besides hitting company objectives.

8 Virtual Team Advantages and 6 Disadvantages (2021 Guide)

Due to the pandemic, business owners today prefer a virtual office over a traditional office setup. There are some obvious advantages, such as cost reduction and access to a global talent pool . However, this approach also has some drawbacks. That’s why it’s essential to know about virtual team advantages and disadvantages to decide whether to turn your business virtual or not.

150 Best Virtual Team Building Questions in 2021

A strong bond among virtual team members is essential for team productivity, morale, and remote work efficiency. And while there are several ways to encourage employee engagement, asking virtual team building questions is one of the easiest. A bunch of creative questions can help your remote team quickly indulge in meaningful conversations. In this article, we’ll cover 150 virtual team building questions that have been categorized to help you easily pick questions for any virtual event.

Virtual Team Communication: Overcoming the Lack of Face Time

Remote working offers several advantages like a flexible work schedule for employees and cost savings for employers. However, it can significantly amplify your virtual team’s communication challenges . How? While technology can help with verbal communication, a virtual work environment limits your employees’ ability to communicate via nonverbal cues like body language, facial expressions, etc.

How to Manage a Phased Return to Work (2021 Guide)

While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed workplace dynamics globally, many businesses are now opening back up. If you want to get your employees back to doing their full duties or working from an office, you may face a few challenges. Some employees may look forward to the change, while others may be nervous or unwilling to cooperate. A phased return to work may be the solution to this human resources dilemma.