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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

CIO Classified: Helping employees thrive in the hybrid workplace

With technological innovation accelerating faster than ever—and the pandemic entering a new phase—CIOs have never faced more uncertainty and complexity. That’s why we’ve partnered with Caspian Studios to sponsor Season 3 of the CIO Classified podcast. CIO Classified is a podcast for CIOs, decision-makers, and technology leaders that want to push their business forward and stay on the cutting edge.

Ecommerce Project Management: 5 Tips for Success

eCommerce is a beautiful thing. Less than three decades ago, if you told someone they could make money from the comfort of their own home using nothing more than a computer, they’d probably think you were crazy. And “making money from a computer” is really just the tip of the iceberg. You can generate cash, make enough of it to support yourself and your family, and even become genuinely wealthy through eCommerce.

Guide to stakeholder management: Why it matters to do it right

Are you meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your stakeholders’ expectations? Because how you manage relationships between colleagues and collaborators matters. And your approach to stakeholder management does too. It’s no surprise that manager engagement drops as your team size and workload increase. If you’re juggling multiple projects, the struggle gets amplified. Meanwhile, the rise of remote work and cross-team collaboration forces teams to move and make decisions ASAP.

Productivity vs. Efficiency: What's More Important in the Workplace?

There are a lot of discussions these days about productivity vs. efficiency in the workplace. Many people believe that if we could just get more things done, we would be more successful. However, there is another side to this story: efficiency. It is just as important to be efficient as it is to be productive. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between productivity and efficiency and which one is more important in the workplace!

A Guide To Developing Highly Effective Employee Training Programs

How often do you hear about employees who don’t perform their jobs properly? The truth is, most of the time, it isn’t their fault. The problem is that they might not even realize what they should be doing. They just need directions to excel in their roles or do their jobs well. What can be done to provide them with directions from time to time? The answer is employee training programs. Employee training programs are essential for companies looking to increase productivity and reduce costs.

Project management workflow: A step-by-step guide to running a more efficient agency

If you work on projects or manage a team that does, you know how quickly a project can start to spiral. Without a proper project management workflow in place, things start to get tricky. One of the most common threats to a project's success happens when contributors don't have clarity about what needs to happen, who needs to do it, and the order everything should be completed. This kind of dysfunction has serious cost implications.

Change Management: The Impact on Organizations

Life is a series of changes. It can be exciting, new, and full of possibilities—or it can be scary, uncomfortable, and unknown. Change can have both good and bad consequences for organizations. How an organization handles change will determine its success or failure. This blog post will discuss the impact change management has on organizations. We will look at the benefits and challenges of change management, and provide tips on successfully navigating through changes in your organization!