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Product Roundup: What's new in Rocket.Chat 6.9

We are committed to ensuring our customers’ voices are heard. With every new version, we are actively seeking ways to enhance Rocket.Chat as an effective platform for communication, collaboration, and business goals achievement. If you've been with us since the start of the year, you'll notice we've introduced a new version practically every month, illustrating our unwavering commitment to constant improvement.

The True Cost of Absenteeism and How to Combat It

Are you concerned about the impact of employee absenteeism on your organization’s productivity, morale, and bottom line? Do you wish to understand how to calculate absenteeism rates and implement effective strategies to reduce them? Look no further. This comprehensive guide will give you a fresh perspective on employee absenteeism, its actual cost, and how to combat it.

Reimagining Remote Work - How Time Management Helps Boost Efficiency for Your Distributed Teams

Time is the most critical element and when it comes to achieving goals, the value of time gets multi-folded. Now when workplaces are evolving with growing remote teams and businesses are striving to enhance employee efficiency in distributed work, managing workforce hours is important to maximize productivity in remote work.

Choosing Sales Dashboard Software: A Practical Guide

Any Sales Director worth their salt knows you need to be on top of your numbers. And if you want your sales team to be successful, you need them to be on top of their numbers too. For many, the single best way of achieving this is with a sales dashboard. A sales dashboard gives you and your team a single view of your most important metrics – so you can access them at a glance.

The engineer's guide to project management software

As an engineer, you’ve had to master the art of thinking big — and solving small. Engineers have to understand the big picture and see where the ship needs to go. But they also need to build the microscopic parts and pieces of that ship — sometimes while it’s already on the water! It isn’t easy to think big and solve small, but project management software can help you keep both sides of the engineering coin in sharp focus.

Stop Selling Implementation Services (& Do This Instead) w/ Max Traylor

Agency clients I talk to often want more strategic consulting from the agencies they hire. At the same time, many agencies feel like the services they’re delivering are often undervalued by the clients they serve. If both of these are true, then why are so many agencies caught in what Pete Caputa calls the “Tactician’s Trap” where it feels like you’re on an endless hamster wheel selling implementation services without being valued for the strategic insights you can provide to your clients.

4 mind mapping methods to spark creativity

Reflect on the last time you had to sit down and think through something — whether it was a complex problem, an important project, or a new product feature. Your brain was likely a jumble of questions, ideas, tasks, and tangents. And while that buzzy creative energy is a good thing, it can be tough to make sense of all of the random pieces of information spinning in your head. That’s exactly where the mind mapping method comes in handy.

Find Out: Which Months Offer Five Paychecks (2024-2029)?

Suppose it is July, and when you check your bank account, you realize there is an extra pay you did not get in June. You are receiving three paychecks instead of the two paychecks, as usual. This is what you get in the world of five paycheck months. If you are paid bi-weekly, some months fall on 24 instead of 26, meaning that you will have one extra day to save or spend.