A perceptual map is a chart used to illustrate where a product or brand and its competitors are positioned according to consumer perception. Learn how your brand can unlock industry insights through perceptual maps and identify paths into new marketplaces. When it comes to positioning your brand or product in the marketplace, consumer perception is king. But for marketers, it can be difficult to distinguish between your actual position and where you perceive yourself to be.
We’re facing a seismic shift in the world of customer experience with rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, data analytics and other emerging technologies shaking the very foundations of our industry. Businesses are rethinking the structure of everything, from their tech stacks to their teams. In just a few years time, these forces will radically transform the pivotal connection between customers getting support and the organisations that provide it.
Although time travel is still a figment of our imagination, our latest release will give you the illusion of going back in time. Picture this: You’ve given your team member a much deserved promotion for their hard work on a big project and amidst the happy celebrations, you’ve forgotten to change their billable rate on said project.
Although time travel is still a figment of our imagination, our latest release will give you the illusion of going back in time. Picture this: You’ve given your team member a much deserved promotion for their hard work on a big project and amidst the happy celebrations, you’ve forgotten to change their billable rate on said project.