Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Complete Guide to Zendesk Pricing

Could you save money on your Zendesk Plan? Zendesk is often the go-to choice for businesses seeking a robust customer support tool. But navigating their extensive range of plans and pricing options can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll unravel Zendesk's pricing plans to help you understand how they match up against your team’s needs. We'll help you understand which Zendesk tier works for different kinds of organizations.

Workstatus vs. Insightful vs. Desktime: A Complete Comparison

As Human Resources (HR) professionals, you understand the pivotal role of productivity in driving a company’s success. In the modern workplace, where remote work and flexible schedules are becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s becoming more critical than ever before to: Workforce management software has emerged as a go-to tool for HRs to: With many options available, you might be confused about picking a software that is the most effective for your organization.

The Essential Guide To Measure Employee Satisfaction: What, How, and When

Your company is a social system in which the most valuable asset for effectiveness and efficiency is its human capital. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep your employees satisfied. But, how can you measure employee satisfaction? And more importantly, what can you do to increase job satisfaction?

Harnessing the Power of a Unified Service Management Platform

As we arrive at the seventh post of our ten-part series covering The Complete Guide to Customer Service Transformation, the focus shifts towards Unified Service Management Platforms, not only on the immense value they provide, but also on how they can help to revolutionize the way customers are served.

12 Must-Have Features of PSA Software

In today’s fast-paced business world, finding the right tool to streamline your organization’s processes is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or a curious entrepreneur, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, we’ll explore 12 must-have features to look for in a PSA software. From service request management, to invoicing, and capacity planning, we’ll guide you towards making informed decisions.

A huge new update for Element Call Beta 3!

I can’t believe it but it’s been a year since we last updated you about the progress of Element Call, our Matrix-based VoIP product. We haven’t been resting on our laurels though, a huge amount of work has been going on over the last twelve months, and today we bring an absolutely massive new update in Beta 3 of Element Call.

Manage Recurring Work with Retainers in Scoro

In this video, we'll show you how to plan, track, and invoice retainer projects in Scoro. Retainers are long-term partnerships where a client pays a fixed sum for a set number of hours or deliverables each period. While you enjoy a predictable revenue stream and workload, your client secures a strategic partner to help them achieve long-term goals. To set up a retainer in Scoro, simply toggle the switch to retainer when creating a new project.

How to promote a burnout-free workplace - Shauna Nuckles - Advocation

Shauna Nuckles, founder of Advocation, joins the podcast today to discuss how unhealthy work practices led to her own medical crisis. She discusses the three types of burnout, as well as the tactics she uses with her team to help agency leaders have honest, transparent conversations to promote a stress- and burnout-free workplace.

Finding an equilibrium between doomsday and enlightenment with AI

Hardly a day goes by without mention of ChatGPT and AI. It’s all around us in media and conversations. Join us as we talk to Carolyn Clark, VP of Employee Experience Strategy at Simpplr, and Shaun Randol, EIC of Digital Publications at LAM Research and find out about life after ChatGPT, how the communication landscape might look in the future, and how AI could influence the employee experience.