Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

September 2024

Unlock better note-taking with mind mapping

Write it down. It’s common and worthwhile advice when you want to comprehend and remember information, with plenty of research backing up the power of note-taking. But while the process of taking notes is helpful in and of itself, it can still be improved. For example, depending on your handwriting, the location of your notes, or even how organized you are, it may not be so simple to read your scribbles or even find the information you want to revisit.

How product marketers can leverage AI to streamline their project management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changing tool, offering product marketers (PMMs) new opportunities to enhance their strategies, streamline workflows, and drive remarkable results. By integrating AI into their arsenal, PMMs can now make data-driven decisions with greater accuracy, work with increased efficiency, and craft marketing campaigns that resonate deeply with their target audience.

Embrace AI's full potential through experimentation

Mainstream AI has arrived, and with it all the questions about what this means for our jobs and our businesses. Which tasks are best handled by humans, which do we want to hand over to AI, and which are most effective through some kind of human-AI collaboration? Will leaders need to up-skill entire workforces? And will all this make work better? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the pace of change. But, equally, now is not the time to take a back seat to wait and see what happens.

Design teams are key strategic partners. Here's why.

The role of design teams in modern businesses has evolved dramatically. Once confined to aesthetics and final deliverables, design now plays a crucial role in driving customer-centricity and innovation. This shift has repositioned design teams from the periphery to the heart of business strategy, influencing decision-making at the highest levels.