
San Francisco, CA, USA
  |  By Brendan McConnell
On-premise, off-premise, or hybrid software deployments. There’s no shortage of options for companies and IT teams looking to create robust, secure, and scalable networks for their employees and end-users. But with more options comes more research and decision-making, as each choice comes with its own benefits and drawbacks that can impact everything from cost to performance and data security.
  |  By Mandy Bray
A windowless conference room with a dozen people elbow to elbow isn’t the best environment for innovation to thrive. Yet, that’s often where we expect productive work to take place. Many of the best thinkers work most efficiently in deep focus mode, but our modern work culture doesn’t protect that time and space.
  |  By Ariel Kanter
AI is already changing how teams work. It can do things like automate manual tasks and find trends in large data sets, just to name a few. But when we talk about its features, most of what we talk about is how it manages our busy work and makes it more efficient. This lets teams focus on building the next big thing. In a sense, it’s like a really smart assistant who takes on the tasks you’ve outgrown. But when it comes to diagramming, especially here at Miro, AI takes on a new role.
  |  By Bethany Newlove
With an updated canvas built to level-up your Miro experience, Intelligent Canvas is here to help teams get work done faster and more efficiently. The new Intelligent Canvas focuses on three key areas: Included as part of Intelligent Canvas are several new diagramming updates that will blow your current diagramming workflow out of the water. Think: less manual work, less hacking shapes, fewer complexities, faster creation, smoother experience. Sounds good? Let’s get into it.
  |  By Bethany Newlove
As part of the new Intelligent Canvas, Miro users can now generate diagrams from text.
  |  By Pete Bradd
For a decade, CEOs have been consistently concerned that current business models are at risk, while their satisfaction with innovation performance has been low. This growing uncertainty reveals a stark disconnect between the urgent need for reinvention and the underwhelming results. Today, CEOs find themselves wrestling with a tumultuous economic and geopolitical landscape, while simultaneously racing to innovate with the help of new tech, like generative AI.
  |  By Jeff Chow
Way back in 2011, Miro changed the way people work together to build the next big thing by building our own big thing: The canvas. The canvas is an infinitely scrolling surface — a place as big as your imagination — that gives people the freedom to play, brainstorm, and create. The building blocks may have been simple, just a few sticky notes, shapes, and colors, but they inspired teams to dream and experiment together.
  |  By Kat Boogaard
Would you rather look at a spreadsheet that has hundreds of rows of raw data? Or a simple and intuitive chart that pulls out and summarizes the key insights? For most people, the answer is a no-brainer: They’ll take the chart over the eye-glazing spreadsheet any day. That’s the power of data visualization.
  |  By Noelle Salerno
In today’s fast-paced business environment, innovation is the key to staying ahead of the competition. But focusing solely on acceleration and growth isn’t the solution: As you add staff, partners, and tools, you may be taking on additional security and compliance risks, creating bottlenecks in your processes ultimately hindering your own path to success.
  |  By Brendan McConnell
Cloud technology is ubiquitous in modern organizations—in fact, 85% of organizations are projected to be “cloud first” by 2025. But despite this pervasiveness, there is still significant ambiguity surrounding cloud costs. In a recent Cloud Zero report, less than half of survey respondents reported that they have “healthy” cloud costs and 58% said they were too high.
  |  By Miro
Unlock the power of Miro to create, modify, and optimize your documents effortlessly! In this video, we’ll show you how to Create, Modify, and Optimize Docs with AI on Miro in just a few simple steps. Learn how to harness AI to enhance your documentation process, making it faster and more efficient.
  |  By Miro
Discover the power of Miro's Intelligent Canvas Timeline Widgets! In this video, learn how to Plan and Manage Projects with Intelligent Canvas Timeline Widgets. We’ll walk you through the simple steps to utilize the Timeline Widget on Miro, allowing you to efficiently plan, manage, and customize your projects all in one place.
  |  By Miro
Welcome to Miro’s Intelligent Canvas, where AI meets creativity! In this video, discover how to Create with AI and revolutionize your workflow. Miro’s Intelligent Canvas empowers you to generate sticky notes, documents, images, and diagrams effortlessly. Watch as AI helps you summarize complex ideas, streamline your tasks, and more, making your collaborative projects smoother and more productive than ever.
  |  By Miro
Discover how Moody’s facilitates real-time collaboration in Miro, fostering more expansive thinking and supercharging creative processes globally.
  |  By Miro
Brace yourselves for a game-changer! We're thrilled to introduce Intelligent Canvas, a groundbreaking innovation that's about to revolutionize your workspace. Imagine turning hours into minutes with the power of AI—creating summaries, generating diagrams, and getting instant feedback with AI Sidekicks. Whether it's Customer Journey Maps, Roadmaps, or Sprint Planning, our Intelligent Canvas automates it all, taking collaboration to a whole new level.
  |  By Miro
Join us for the highly anticipated Miro Keynote as we unveil the future of collaborative work with the Intelligent Canvas. Our presenters, Jen Clark, Jeff Chow, Mark Boyes-Smith, and Sophia Chia, will introduce exciting updates designed to enhance your workflows and productivity. Miro is a home for everyone, and we’re excited to share these innovations with you.
  |  By Miro
If you're in #projectmanagement, check out this Miroverse template in Miro. #miroboard #projectmanager.
  |  By Miro
Ready to share your innovative Miro templates with the world? Join Jamie, Miroverse template review manager, to learn the simple process of submitting your template to Miroverse. Discover how to inspire fellow Miro users and reach millions with your unique workflows and frameworks! What we’ll cover: Logging in and creating a profile: Learn how to log in or create a Miroverse profile, whether for individual or team submissions.
  |  By Miro
Take your Miroverse templates to the next level with 10 simple tips to make your templates visually stunning and user-friendly. Elevate your designs and make them stand out in our growing library of templates by and for the Miro user community.
  |  By Miro
Explore the transformative impact of Miro at a top HR Solutions Provider, where team alignment and customer value are paramount. This video demonstrates how Miro's collaborative Intelligent Canvas plays a critical role in helping teams adapt to a rapidly changing business environment. By fostering a shared understanding of objectives and facilitating effective communication across various stakeholders, Miro enhances strategic alignment and operational efficiency.

Miro is the ultimate hub for your team or company where you can collaborate, visualize and collect ideas and share work. It can be a focal point for your offline meetings, or an endless workspace for distributed collaboration. Miro is your company-wide normalization layer for notes, media, data and other inputs — all from different sources and in different formats.

All of you — managers, designers, developers, coaches, marketers and other talented professionals — work together to build great things. Team members are all different and speak many "languages" — data, pictures, spreadsheets, tasks, charts and more. Miro combines all these pieces in one place to let your team or whole organization collaborate beyond formats, tools, locations and timezones.

Collaborate as a Dream Team:

  • Real-time collaboration: Fast and responsive — as close and engaging as it can get to in-person collaboration for teams working in a remote setting.
  • Infinite workspace: It’s critical for seeing the big picture. Our whiteboard is endless, yet zoomable and easy to structure.
  • Enhanced whiteboard toolkit: We digitized everything you like about working with a physical whiteboard.And more!

Miro is the #1 online whiteboard trusted by over 2 million users from global companies big and small.