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February 2024

How AI will transform employee and client experiences in wealth management?

Although topics such as inflation, market volatility, and interest rate mayhem are top of mind for most wealth managers, the evolving AI revolution is making the industry stand up and take notice. But forward-thinking wealth management firms aren't necessarily asking the typical headline-making questions: Will AI take my job? Can we trust AI? Will AI take over the world? Rather, firms are asking: How can we leverage AI to create a superior client and employee experience?

Three ways Knowledge Work Automation and AI will change the way we work in 2024

According to the M-Files CEO Antti Nivala, knowledge workers spend approximately 41% of their day on tasks that don’t fully utilize their primary skills. With the economic turbulence of 2023 continuing into 2024, effectively managing knowledge work becomes crucial for organizations. Here are my top three predictions for how knowledge work automation and AI will impact the way we work in 2024.