Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

November 2023

5 ways your dashboard can improve team engagement this festive season

As the end of another year approaches, you may be counting down to the start of the festive period (or maybe even dreading it). This time of year can go one of two ways, either you’re very busy finishing up before January, or your team begins to wind down and get into the holiday spirit. Either way, this can cause a shift in the way your team is working. In this case, we’re specifically referring to the engagement with key metrics.

6 tips for managing Customer Support remotely

If you manage a Contact Center and work fully remote or hybrid, then you will have already learned that the typical setup of an in-person Contact Center just won’t cut it anymore. The biggest challenge facing most remote teams is communication, you don’t have everyone in the same room or even on the same time zone. When it comes to managing, motivating and monitoring a distributed Customer Support team, adopting a remote-first approach to communication is crucial.