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Ultimate Guide To Outsourcing Software Development (2020)

Looking to outsource your software development operations? Over the last few decades, software development outsourcing has experienced tremendous growth. Around 64% of all companies now outsource their entire development process! But what is software development outsourcing and how do you do it? In this article, we’ll cover what it is, the benefits and drawbacks of doing it and give you some helpful tips to outsource your software activities seamlessly.

Why Startups Should Outsource App Development

From Shanghai and Beijing to Mumbai and Bangalore to London, Stockholm and Toronto, the startup ecosystem has seen dramatic growth around the world. From the findings of Rise of the Global Startup City, the world’s top 10 cities account for 61% of venture activity in the latest three-year period, which was just 56% a decade ago. Smartphones are the significant game-changer here, which opens the floodgates for startup enthusiasts by providing them the business platform at competitive pricing.

Ultimate Guide To Call Center BPO Software (2020 Features & Pricing)

Looking for the right BPO softwares for your call center business? With hundreds of business process outsourcing tools available, finding the best ones for your call center can be confusing. To help you out, we’ll cover the various types of call center tools and also highlight five essential BPO softwares you need in this article.

Remote Work Salary - An In-House and Remote Work Comparison

Recently, working remotely has grown dramatically in popularity primarily because it gives workers a lot more freedom and saves companies money. However, is this just a trend that will soon dissipate, or is it here to stay? The numbers speak for themselves. Remote work will soon become the new norm, as per a report from GetApp the number of people working remotely on a weekly basis has grown by nearly 400% in the last decade.

Ultimate Guide To BPO services (Types + Top BPO Providers)

Want to know about BPO services and understand how to use them to create the maximum benefits for your business? Business Process Outsourcing has grown in popularity over the past few decades. From small startups to huge MNCs, every type of business has embraced the power of BPOs! But what makes BPO services so attractive to companies? In this article, we’ll cover the different types of BPO services, their benefits and even highlight the top 5 BPO service providers in 2020.

16 Call Center Time Management Tips That Really Work

Time management has been engrained in our brains since we were young. Even when we were in grade school, we had specific times every day when we completed certain tasks, whether it be reading time, math time, lunchtime, or even nap time. Well now it’s a little different, but still essentially the same. Even though we may not have nap time every day (though I’m sure many people wished we did!), we still have certain tasks that need to be completed every day.

The 10 Best Autodial Software For Businesses in 2020

Looking for the best autodial software? Autodial tools can help businesses automatically call phone numbers and connect them to an agent or pre-recorded message. It’s the perfect way to quickly go through your list of contacts and engage with leads and customers. That’s why we’ve listed down everything you need to know about the best auto dialer software in 2020. We’ll highlight their pros and cons and also show you what you should look for when selecting an autodial tool!