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Time Blocking 101: A Perfect Approach to get the most out of your Daily Schedule

– Cal Newport, Deep Work author As we all know, there are multiple ways to manage your time: some people prefer scheduling everything in advance, while others like keeping things open-ended and flexible. But one thing that’s true no matter which approach you take is that it’s essential to have some kind of structure in place so that you don’t waste time or feel overwhelmed by all the things on your plate at once.

7 Stages of the Employee Life Cycle: From Newly Hired to Well-Deserved Retirement

The employee life cycle is a concept that has developed over time to better explain how people change throughout their careers. Each phase of the employee life cycle has its challenges and benefits. Understanding where you are in your life and what to expect will help you develop an effective work strategy and prioritize your personal goals. To get the most out of your career, it’s important to understand how to respond appropriately to each stage that comes your way.

Eat That Frog: 11 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

How often do you hear yourself saying, I’ll get to that later, or Can it wait until tomorrow? Do you often work on small, unimportant tasks while larger, more significant ones wait on your to-do list? If so, it might be time to eat that frog. The eat that frog technique will help change your mind about what’s important and get you moving in the right direction. Once you start using this technique, you’ll find that your productivity skyrockets and stress decreases significantly.

The Ultimate Guide To Mobile Workforce Management (MWM)

In recent years, we have witnessed many changes in the way people work. Let’s start with changes that occurred during the industrial revolution; when factories were being opened everywhere, the small set-ups were paying less, accompanied by poor working conditions for laborers. It took years to bring labor-friendly reforms into reality. Back to the present scenario, luckily, things at work have changed for the better since then.

7 Trending Field Service Management Software for 2022

The field service management software industry is changing rapidly. It’s getting more competitive and exciting with all the new products entering the space. It aids in managing the day-to-day operations of a company providing field services. This software makes it easy to monitor field operations and better manage customer satisfaction.

Benefits Of Having Computer Screen Monitoring Software For Your Business

Suppose you have an e-commerce website, online business, or traditional workplace for which you want to ensure that your workforce completes their daily tasks efficiently. In that case, keeping tabs on the activities in real-time is always a good idea to ensure your workforce is productive. But, How can you do that?

Procrastination vs. Productivity: What Does The Future of Work Look Like?

We are here today to talk about something that affects us all: procrastination. We’ve all been there—you know, when you have a big project due tomorrow, but instead of working on it, you find yourself scrolling through Facebook or watching Netflix instead? Well, let us tell you that it’s not worth it. A recent study shows that chronic procrastination affects 15%-20% of adults, and nearly 25% of adults believe procrastination is their personality trait.

Top 8 Employee Scheduling Software for Agencies: What Every Marketer Needs to Know

Finding the right online employee scheduling software that works with your business model and needs has never been more important. Running an agency requires managing not only the business at hand but also all of the people who do the work and scheduling them to fit everything in can be complicated. Agencies are often asked to complete projects on short notice, which means you have to adjust schedules quickly to assign skilled individuals to new projects.

7 Self-Management Tips to Help Your Remote Employees Stay on Track

Self-management is an important skill to develop, especially when managing other people. If your team members aren’t self-managing, they will probably be less productive, and their efforts may not align with your company’s mission and values. To help your employees keep on track, you can teach them self-management tips.

7 Reasons Why You Need Time Tracking Reports For Better Performance

While some people may ‌estimate this without much trouble, there are others who may not know the answer at all unless they keep track of their time spent on various projects each day. That’s why keeping track of time is highly important to ensure how productively you are working throughout the day. Time tracking reports measure your performance on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis.