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10 onboarding process improvement tips for smoother employee onboarding

Serving as a link between the hiring process and complete integration into the organization, onboarding is an essential stage in the employee lifecycle. Productivity, work happiness, and employee retention can all be strongly impacted by a well-organized onboarding process. Onboarding strategies need to change with businesses, and they can benefit from ongoing innovation and improvement.

What are OKRs? A guide to objectives and key results

OKRs stand for objectives and key results, a goal-setting framework that can help your team set and track measurable goals. Originally pioneered by John Doerr, this framework pairs the company-level objectives you want to achieve with the key results you’ll use to measure progress—so your goals are tied to your team’s day-to-day work. In this article, we explain how the OKR process works and share examples to get you started setting OKRs for your company, team, or personal life.

What is Project Planning? 8 How-to Steps for Creating One

We’re in the project economy—where a large part of our work revolves around innovating a new product or service. Even if you’re not a project manager, you might have embraced the responsibilities of one to manage a project at some point and would have utilized project planning. The art of project planning requires strategic thinking about how to achieve a desired goal.

How to use exit interviews for talent attraction and retention

Exit interviews have changed from a formal process to a strategic tool that can have a big effect on a company’s ability to find and keep skilled workers in today’s competitive talent management market. In the past, these interviews were meant to get closure from employees leaving. But now, forward-thinking businesses are using the information they get to not only figure out but also fix the problems that cause workers to leave.

Leveraging employee feedback for retention and improvement

In the ever-changing corporate world of today, employee feedback is one of the most important resources that is frequently overlooked. The insights your employees can share can go well beyond being a formality and hold the key to enabling both employee retention and ongoing development inside your company. We’ll examine the transforming power of employee feedback in this blog article, including how it may promote growth and innovation in the workplace and lead to good change.

Maximizing Productivity with the 2-2-3 Schedule

Are you feeling overwhelmed with work and trying to find a way to improve your productivity and work-life balance? The 2-2-3 schedule may be the answer you’re looking for! This unique schedule involves working two days, taking two days off, and then working three days in a row, allowing for a better balance between work and leisure. Not only does this schedule increase productivity, but it also helps to prevent burnout and enhances creativity.

Fix these common onboarding challenges to boost productivity

The data doesn’t lie—a good onboarding process leads to happier, more productive employees. But while onboarding can increase retention rates by 82%, only 12% of employees strongly agree that their organization does a great job of onboarding new hires. Creating a smooth onboarding process is challenging, so it’s not surprising that some organizations fall short. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Understanding dependencies in project management

A project dependency is a task that relies on the completion of a different task. This article breaks down key terms associated with dependencies and the different kinds of dependencies you may see in project management. Much like a relay race, projects are often completed by passing tasks from one team member to the next. Unlike a relay race, some project tasks require other tasks to move forward before they can be started. This relationship between tasks is known as a dependency.

Conquering workplace boredom: A strategic approach

In the world of work, even the most exciting jobs, like being a scientist or a virus hunter, have their share of boring tasks. Neuroscience suggests that being bored can be good for you, but the question still stands: how can you deal with boredom in a way that keeps you engaged and productive?

10 essential factors for boosting employee retention

Keeping employees happy and productive is essential to the success of the office. It’s important to create an atmosphere where employees feel appreciated and inspired to stick around, not merely to cut down on turnover expenses. This blog post explores ten key factors that affect employee retention, such as possibilities for professional advancement, competitive pay, extensive benefits, and flexible work schedules.