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Support for ESR 5.19 is ending soon

As of October 15, 2020, Mattermost Extended Support Release (ESR) version 5.19 will no longer be supported. If any of your servers are not on ESR 5.25 or later, we highly recommend that you upgrade immediately. With our simple upgrade steps, it takes only a few minutes. Mattermost adopts a monthly tick-tock release cycle, with a new version shipping on the 16th of each month.

The Mattermost codebase is preserved on ice for the next 1,000 years

A lot will happen over the next 1,000 years, and the codebase for the Mattermost open source project will be along for the entire ride. On July 8, GitHub successfully deposited 21 terabytes of open source repository data in the Arctic World Archive, a (very) long-term storage facility located on the Svalbard archipelago in Norway near the North Pole.

Five Powerful Behaviors to Boost Team Performance

Your mood, your demeanor and your verbal and nonverbal behaviors exert a powerful influence on your team members and the working environment. Every moment of the day, our brain is busy scanning the environment for unpleasant things we should avoid and pleasant things we should rush toward. Those things we actively work to avoid put us in “defensive” mode, and the positive items we seek out trigger what she describes as, “discovery” mode.

Bonjour, Element on Android!

Hopefully by now you have all upgraded to Element, with Android users leaving behind the old legacy Riot Android app. If you haven’t already been previewing it via RiotX (which has been in beta for a year now), it should hopefully feel like a game changer: as we said in our Welcome to Element post, we’ve got more than just a rebrand going on here! But let’s rewind a bit.

How to marry asynchronous & synchronous collaboration workflows when setting up a remote team

Think of communication as the oxygen of a remote team. Like a good relationship, it takes work to communicate well, and there are ups and downs. As Carol Dweck from Stanford University, shares in her book Mindset: "It takes work to communicate accurately. It takes work to expose and resolve conflicting hopes and beliefs. It doesn't mean there is no 'they live happily ever after' but it's more like 'they worked happily ever after.'"