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What are Automated Timesheets? (Benefits, Tips, Tools)

Whether you want to track the billable hours spent on a project or analyze your team’s productivity, recording employee hours can be incredibly useful. However, using traditional time tracking methods like punch clocks and paper forms can be tedious and prone to human error. Instead, you can use automated timesheets to simplify the time tracking process and boost productivity.

6 Best Timesheet Apps & Software [In-Depth Breakdown]

In a recent article, we wrote about the disadvantages of traditional time tracking using paper or Excel timesheets. They come with many challenges, including: To solve these challenges, we set out to build Buddy Punch — a timesheet app that helps you: In this post, we’ll detail what makes Buddy Punch a great timesheet software for employees, including a breakdown of our key features and user reviews.

TrackingTime Product Updates: 2021 Recap

Over the first half of 2021, we have been hard at work to make your work life easier. Everyone will agree that 2020 was a year of many changes. So, we took those changes as an opportunity to provide you with a better user experience. In case you missed it, here are the latest product updates. Let’s check out all the cool new features we’ve released so far this year.

Time tracking tool- The future of remote work for enterprises

Remote working is the new normal. With employees of several enterprises working remotely, a mix of knowledge management tools along with time tracking is essential. Time tracking tool bridges the gap between tracking employee work hours and helping in seamlessly reporting that information for supervisors. This information helps with scheduling work hours, aligning tasks, and determining hiring needs. Moreover, it ensures that employees do not get overpaid or underpaid but accurately.

SEO Software Market Trends You Shouldn't Ignore in 2021

SEO is an essential part of any marketing plan. Many metrics must be analyzed for top-ranking SEO success, such as traffic, backlinks, social shares, etc. This article will give you an overview of some of the most critical and timely SEO software trends for 2021, helping you adjust your strategy accordingly.

Why You Should Maintain Timesheets for Salaried Employees

Maintaining timesheets help companies keep track of employee work hours — whether you do it using spreadsheets or time tracking tools. While it’s crucial for employees who work on an hourly basis, using timesheets for salaried employees can be beneficial too. It helps you generate accurate payroll, track time-offs, manage projects, and optimize business processes. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about timesheets for salaried employees.

12 Effortless Ways to Improve Time Management

Time management is an essential skill that everyone should learn to boost their productivity. When you’ve good proper time management strategies, it’s much easier to complete and achieve goals. In definition, time management is how we use our time to finish tasks effectively. We live in a time when distractions are everywhere, and staying focused is challenging.

Get a Clear Picture of What's Getting Done: Project Management by TrackingTime

Keeping your team in sync increases productivity at work, we get it! That’s why we have strived to provide you with a clear picture of your team’s work, enhancing our service with Project Management. Now you can keep up with project progress with no extra effort. Work efficiently and establish good habits that reflect your company culture. Here is everything you need to know about our brand new project management features.

How to Develop an Actionable Timesheet Policy (2021 Guide)

Accurate timekeeping offers multiple benefits for your business. It helps teams be productive and prevents loss of time and money due to inefficient planning. And once you have a timekeeping system in place, the next step is to solidify and standardize that system with a timesheet policy. In this article, we’ll cover the contents of a solid timesheet policy, its benefits, and five no-nonsense tips along the way.

New Normal: Remote Work Trends to Watch Out in 2021 and Beyond

Companies had to shut down their offices with the ongoing pandemic crisis. And remote work has suddenly come into the limelight. Looking at the ongoing situation, it seems like it is here to stay even after the pandemic ends. As more and more people prefer to work remotely rather than confine themselves in the offices. But what makes remote work successful?