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New Normal: Remote Work Trends to Watch Out in 2021 and Beyond

Companies had to shut down their offices with the ongoing pandemic crisis. And remote work has suddenly come into the limelight. Looking at the ongoing situation, it seems like it is here to stay even after the pandemic ends. As more and more people prefer to work remotely rather than confine themselves in the offices. But what makes remote work successful?

Why You Should Be Using Timesheets for Exempt Employees

Timekeeping has become a critical business process for many companies today. Maintaining detailed employee timesheets offer tremendous benefits ranging across industries and business functions. However, employers often face confusion and uncertainty when it comes to using timesheets for exempt employees. According to the US Department of Labor, these are salaried professionals who aren’t eligible for minimum wage or overtime pay.

Employee Time Tracking Using Excel Spreadsheets: Templates, Downsides & Alternatives

In this article, we’ll share several Excel time tracking templates (i.e. weekly, biweekly, and monthly timesheets) that you can use to track employee hours and calculate payroll. That said, tracking time using Microsoft Excel comes with downsides, namely the fact that Excel does not solve for: In this post, we’ll share several useful Excel time tracking templates.

Remote developer adaptation process and time tracking

Today, the remote developer adaptation process is a reality for many of us. About 4.7 million employees work remotely in the U.S. That number is increasing day by day and more industries embrace remote work. Regardless of the industry type, people need to adapt to this work culture, and the sooner they transform, the better will be the results.

Time Tracking for Consultants in 2021 (Benefits, Tools)

As a consultant, time tracking should be an essential part of how you do business. It’s the easiest way to ensure you get paid for the hours you put in. For an employer, this means you won’t underpay or overpay your consultants. And from a productivity standpoint, time tracking gives you insights into how long you spend on tasks and how to improve your time management skills.

How to Fill Out a Timesheet in 7 Simple Steps (2021 Guide)

If you want to learn how to fill out a timesheet, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re a business owner looking for a simple way to record your team’s hours or a contractor who needs to track your billable hours for invoicing purposes, timesheets are a valuable solution. Unfortunately, there is a lot of room for error with traditional timesheets. You need to know how to fill them out correctly to save time, streamline processes, and improve payroll accuracy.

7 Best Geofence Time Tracking Apps (In-Depth Look)

Tracking hours for your employees, while simultaneously keeping them accountable on where and when they punch in and out of work, can quickly turn into an operational nightmare. A time tracking app with Geofencing can help solve that issue by allowing you to set up a specific radius outside which your employees won’t be able to clock time. But which among the many time tracking apps with Geofencing best fits your specific business needs? There are many options in the market to consider.

6 Customer Experience Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

Over the past few years, customers’ expectations from companies have come to grow. And the race is all about who can fulfill their demands. However, it’s not just about winning the race. But pressuring companies into finding a balance between the expected customer experience and what they, as companies, can offer given their resources and priorities.

Google Sheets Timesheet: Templates, Pros, Cons, Alternatives (2021)

Tracking the number of hours your employees work is essential to measure their productivity and overtime hours. It also comes in handy when you have to pay employees based on billable hours. But how do you track employee hours? One way is to use a Google Sheets timesheet to record employee work hours manually. In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using a Google Sheets timesheet and help you select a good timesheet template.