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Miro for Product Development Teams

Unlock the power of effective teamwork with Miro, your team's go-to platform for product development. Put an end to siloed teamwork and welcome a single space for innovation and execution. Miro enhances your design sprints, planning sessions, diagramming process, and retrospectives by igniting creativity and aligning big teams to tackle complex problems. It's time to reduce frustration and supercharge collaboration.

AI as a Tool for Creativity in Miro: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps in for a Tool Tour

How can we create by connecting organic intelligence and AI? Team Marie Beyssac & Martin Gleitsmann will hold space for a creative movement that encourages an organic approach to AI for human-centered designs and solutions. Join this tour of their favorite AI tools and design use cases to inspire new ways of thinking across the Miroverse. In this video: Explore thousands of community-driven templates at, and transform the way you work today..

Using the 16 Design Aspects to Create Intentional Group Experiences in Miro

A great group experience requires a collaborative space for creative thinking, exploring ideas, agreeing on solutions, and learning together. By applying the 16 Design Aspects to your Miro board, you can create and facilitate incredible experiences for groups from three to 800+. Whether you’re new to Miro or an experienced Creator, this session is for you! In this video: Explore thousands of community-driven templates at, and transform the way you work today.#Miroverse#Miro community#16 design aspects#workshop#online collaboration#templates#community-driven templates.

Find the root cause with a fishbone exercise

Identifying the root cause of a problem is crucial to finding effective solutions. In this video, we'll walk you through the process of conducting a fishbone (Ishikawa) exercise using Miro. Discover how to structure your analysis, brainstorm potential causes, and drill down to the core issues at hand. By the end of this video, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to conduct a fishbone exercise and uncover the root causes of complex problems in Miro.

Align your team around OKRs in Miro

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a powerful goal-setting framework that helps teams stay focused and aligned. In this video, we'll demonstrate how to use Miro to establish and track OKRs effectively. Learn how to create a shared vision, set measurable key results, and monitor progress to ensure everyone is working towards the same goals. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the skills to align your team around OKRs and drive success with Miro.

Align around a product roadmap

Description: A clear and comprehensive product roadmap is essential for keeping your team focused and aligned on project goals. In this video, we'll show you how to create and maintain a product roadmap using Miro's collaboration platform. Learn how to set objectives, define tasks, and track progress, all within Miro. By the end of this video, you'll have the tools and techniques necessary to create a cohesive product roadmap that keeps your team aligned and on track.

Kickoff your next project with a collaborative session

Kickstarting a new project can be challenging without proper collaboration and planning. In this video, we'll demonstrate how to use Miro for a collaborative project kickoff session, ensuring everyone on the team is aligned and engaged from the start. We'll cover everything from setting up a board, organizing ideas, and fostering team communication. By the end of this video, you'll be ready to kick off your next project with confidence using Miro.