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Creating Motivating KPIs That are Meaningful to Your Support Team

Goal setting is a crucial activity for any successful team, and many today are leveraging Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as part of the process. Before jumping on the bandwagon, keep in mind that when done poorly, KPIs can do more harm than good. Managers can become mired in numbers that don’t matter. Individuals can be incentivized to focus on things that undermine long-term success. And amidst all the noise, teams can lose sight of their real goals.

How to Improve Customer Relationships with a Virtual Receptionist

Research by American Express suggests that consumers are willing to spend 17% more on a company that has outstanding customer service. It’s no secret: first-rate customer service is the key to business success. But to excel, businesses should have a customer care plan and ensure that stakeholders have a positive experience at every touchpoint.

How to build social connection in a remote team

I’ll be shocked if you’re shocked: Building social connection in a remote team is the hardest part of managing a remote team. According to a survey we ran this past fall with 297 remote managers and employees, “fostering a sense of connection without a shared location” was seen as the #1 most difficult part of being a remote manager – and the #1 most difficult part of working remotely, in general.

The Blueprint to Scale Your Customer Support Operations

Seeing a business grow in front of your eyes is exciting. You’ve got a product or service people love, and you’re getting new customers all the time. However, with this excitement often comes growing pains. Five customer support agents may no longer be enough, and it’s time to expand the team to double digits to meet the demand of tickets and phone calls.

Your company Facebook

As Facebook announces the rebranding of WhatsApp and Instagram, the risks businesses are taking when using WhatsApp for work become clearer. Your mined corporate data places you as an advertising target. We all kind of know it already - and the answers as to 'why?' range from "this is what our customers want to use" to "it is just more fun/easy" and even "if it breaks, we'll fix it". We've heard them all.

Five Essential Statistics on the Power of Collaboration

The current business infrastructure highlights the progress of mankind. We no longer need to be in the same room with other people to collaborate. People can work from anywhere in the world, given that that place has internet and electricity. Incidentally, nearly four million Americans found their favorite workplace — their own homes. At the very core of this phenomenon are the gig economy and technological progress.

How To Improve Customer Experience With Data

Your customers expect you to understand what they want. Not only this, they expect you to know when they want and how they want it. Today, the modern company has no reason for not being able to deliver on these demands. The reason? Data. Data is everywhere, and businesses are well placed to utilize this to improve the customer experience and smash their KPIs. Over 40% of marketers plan to expand their data-driven budgets, and that’s why it’s essential to adopt a data-driven strategy.

How an Audio Visual Company uses email to create tickets on OneDesk

Maintenance is a concept that is common to nearly every industry and business. While regular maintenance can be driven by the company itself, often times businesses rely on their customers to come forward with any degradations that they come up against. Audiovisual companies are no exception. One such company came to us with a set of requirements for their maintenance and upkeep of equipment that they needed to track and manage. In order to do this, we agreed that a ticketing system was the way to go.