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What is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?

One of the biggest problems that most organizations deal with these days has less to do with the sheer volume of data they're working with on a daily basis and is more about just how much of it is unstructured. Unstructured data, as the term suggests, is that information that either doesn't have some type of pre-defined model, or that isn't organized in any pre-determined way.

Here's How to Better Manage All of Your Organization's Unstructured Data

When it comes to your organization's data, it's critical for you to understand that you're talking about so much more than just a series of 1s and 0s sitting on a hard drive somewhere. Contained inside that data is the true story of what is going on with your business. It contains the insight you need to do better and more informed work on a daily basis. To always make the right decision as quickly as possible given the circumstances.

Breaking Down the Differences Between a Digital Filing System and an Enterprise Content Management System

A digital filing system, as the name suggests, is a way to use technology to convert some of the more traditional filing systems you're dealing with — ranging from regular filing cabinets to those stacks of folders that litter your office — into a digital format. Not only does this make it easier to search for the information you need when you need it the most, but it also makes the process of storing those documents for the long-term effortless as well.

Post COVID-19, a New Era of Business Digital Transformation is About to Begin

To say that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has represented a disruption for us all is, at this point, probably a bit of an understatement. Businesses of all types and their technology leaders were already trying to keep pace with the rapidly accelerating speed of digital business transformation. Then, the pandemic began in 2020 and upended just about everything, sending industries in wild new directions that few could have predicted.

Does Shadow IT and BYOD Make Sense for Your Business?

Much to the joy of employees everywhere, "bring your own device" (otherwise known as BYOD) is a movement that has become common in the workplace. On the one hand, it makes a certain degree of sense. Why wouldn't you want your employees to be able to use the smartphones, tablets, and other types of mobile devices that they're already comfortable with?

Here's Why Your Business Needs to Build a Better Data Management Strategy, Effective Immediately

One of the most important things to understand about the types of legacy systems that you're likely dealing with is that you're talking about so much more than just a minor inconvenience. Legacy solutions may start out helpful, but they typically don't last that way for every long. Before you know it, your IT teams will be struggling to manage the growing number of disconnected applications and data sources across your enterprise.

Sustainability with Intelligent Information Management

Fighting climate change has undoubtedly become, and rightly so, one of the major drivers of people's behavior in recent years. At the same time, the importance of sustainability to business has grown too. Whilst companies have to a large extent realized their responsibility on sustainability, the ability to find ways to become ever more environmentally healthy remains a challenge.