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How to Set the Right Client Expectations

Finding clients is an important job for agency owners. Clients keep the lights on and your employees paid. But even more important is finding a way to keep existing clients happy and coming back for more work. When you do the hard work to land a new client, the last thing you want is for them to leave. It costs 5x to 25x more money to replace a client than it does to retain them. Meaning if you lose too many clients, your business is on a slippery slope towards demise.

Agency Lead Generation Ideas: No More Cold-Calling

If all you ever do is chase, you’ll run out steam and collapse. Any business that is reliant on cold outreach isn’t one that’ll last long. Why? Because you’ll always have to hunt for new clients. And if you want that client roster to grow (or need to replace clients that you fired), your outreach machine must be humming 24/7. It can be done, sure. But wouldn’t it be nice to turn clients away instead of chasing them down?

Creating Basecamp Project Templates

If you're creating the same type of Basecamp projects over and over again, you can save time by creating a Basecamp template. In this video, Kimberly from the Basecamp Customer Success team walks through how to create a Basecamp template. You'll even learn how assigning tasks and setting relative due dates within a template are handled once a project is created.

2023 Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch

Ever see someone’s Facebook posts or Instagram stories and cringe? You know the ones. They follow the same lame script that was being used in 2018 (the last time that script actually worked). But what worked five years ago is now cringe-worthy. Hell, what worked a few months ago might be cause for cringe today. Social media trends change all the time. If you’re not paying attention, you’ll be left behind while others race on a completely different track.

Automatic Check-ins in Basecamp

Basecamp's Automatic Check-ins tool is a simple way to ask your team recurring questions and gather their answers all in one place. They're a great way to replace status calls or meetings while keeping everything on the record. In this video, Kimberly from the Basecamp Customer Success team walks through how to create Automatic Check-ins in the Basecamp project management software. She also shares how the team at Basecamp uses Automatic Check-ins on a daily and weekly basis.

How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency

Once upon a time, social media was used to share photos of your meals, blurry highlights from your night out with friends, and general life updates with your family. But then something magical happened. The influencer was born. All of a sudden, individuals with thousands and even millions of followers could post a photo wearing a certain sweater, and that sweater would sell out immediately. It wasn’t long before businesses took notice. Enter the age of social media marketing.

Use This Marketing Agency Proposal Template If You Want New Clients

If you run a marketing agency, you ask a lot of your proposals. Agency proposals are so much more than a few pages of a PDF. They’re old school newspaper hawkers shouting “Extra! Extra!” on the street corner. Not only do they have all the information, but they also need to get your attention and make the sale. That’s why agency owners need a proposal template that stands out.

How to Fire a Client (Without Making It a Big Deal)

Firing a client will be your reality. Good businesses have standards, and you’re bound to run into people who don’t meet them. A client speaks horribly to one of your team members. A client approaches an employee and attempts to hire them outside of your services for additional work.