Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The Art of Forgetting About Work When Not Working

It’s odd – we’re always talking about the healthy work-life balance and know that working long hours can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Yet, we continue to dedicate more and more time to our jobs. In fact, research shows that 80% of workers answer emails and return phone calls after hours. For one, people believe long hours on the job to be proof of their work ethic.

Stop Fighting Fires: How to Prioritize When Everything is High Priority

One of the most common frustrations we hear from team leaders who don’t have robust project management practices in place is a feeling of constant firefighting, leaving them unable to complete projects on time or within budget. In fact, in a recent PWC poll, only 2.5% of companies successfully completed all of their projects. Firefighting is a natural human response to a chaotic workload as a means of “getting more done”.

Working Together, Remotely - Part II

In the first part of the “Working Together, Remotely” series, we shared stories of Scorers who have had to face quite a few changes while working from home. Today, we will take a closer look at how our People Operations Manager, Annika, and Customer Onboarding Expert, Austin, have adapted and what has changed for them. The current situation continues to change the business landscape as we know it.

May 2020 Version Update: Introducing Expenses And More

Now that we know a number of meetings could have just as easily been emails, a vast majority of emails could be skipped altogether by managing your business with the help of Scoro. With this update, we’re adding a brand new tool to Scoro for handling various business expenses. In addition, we’re upgrading the Planner for even more convenient work planning, and making additions to Zapier for creating custom workflows to further increase work efficiency.

Scoro & PieSync: Have your contacts in sync with 200+ other apps

Scoro centralizes the most important aspects of your business, and allows you to manage your team, projects, clients, and finances easily in a single solution. One of the great things about having a central platform covering different processes is that it provides a 360° overview of your prospects and customers. But what if you are using additional business applications next to Scoro, and wish to keep all that customer data together?

Itero: Scoro's Long-Time Implementation Partner in Latvia

Itero – a digital intelligence agency based in Riga, Latvia – is named after the latin word for organizing and standardizing processes. In that spirit, they offer business software implementation, graphic design, web development, and online marketing services that help their customers increase traffic, improve sales, and boost customer engagement.

Working Together, Remotely

Remote working has never been such a hot topic as it is today, with the COVID-19 situation pulling the rug out from under the feet of a lot of companies. And while some have been able to adjust quicker, then most everyone has had to make some changes and overcome challenges. And it’s important to share the difficult lessons with others as well – because sometimes all we need is a reminder that we’re all in this together.

Beyond the Crisis: Proactively Towards the New Normal

I don’t think any of us could have confidently predicted back in February that we would be working from home for several months. But here we are, continuously trying to find our footing and hoping we will get things under control soon. More than that, growing impatient to get back to our normal lives. However, I have caught myself thinking about whether we will ever go back to the way things were before.

What It Takes for You to Become Remote-Ready

Working remotely is not just for the privileged few anymore. It has continued to gain popularity over the years but never has it been as important for companies as today. With the COVID-19 virus forcing many businesses to adopt, or at least explore, remote work, those who are yet to embrace remote working culture are faced with chaos and uncertainty. It’s evident that everyone needs to be prepared for the unexpected and become remote-ready.

Bringing Order to the Chaos of Onboarding

At Scoro, we believe that every success story is built on a solid foundation. And whether we are talking about our clients or new team members, we want everybody to have the best experience with Scoro software. That’s why we have created a well-crafted and thorough onboarding process for every new user that walks through our doors.