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ConnectWise PSA Integration

In this video, we will be reviewing the ConnectWise PSA integration along with it's benefits. We'll also walk you through the configuration process to quickly configure the integration. The ConnectWise PSA integration allows for tickets to be automatically created and closed upon Exoprise Alarms being triggered. With tickets being created in ConnectWise PSA, you can begin automatically assigning tickets based on the alarms triggered in Exoprise using workflow rules.

Autodesk Integration for Miro: Import 3D Files and Capture View Angles

The Autodesk for Miro app allows users to import 3D files, capture different view angles as a widget, instantly capture screenshots, and more. With this integration, you can bring the complete Forge Viewer experience to your Miro board. The video also shows how you can capture these different screenshots from your 3D Autodesk files, and place those screenshots strategically within a design presentation on your Miro board. The app helps facilitate quicker collaboration between different stakeholders.

GitHub Integration for Miro: 2 Way Data Sync with GitHub Issues

The GitHub integration for Miro introduces a realtime, 2 way data sync between GitHub Issues and Miro. The video shows how to choose a repository, import issues, and then update and sync those updates all within Miro, without leaving your Miro board. All updates to GitHub issues will be updated to GitHub in real time. You will also learn how to create multiple GitHub issues at once by selecting sticky notes and then converting those Miro Sticky Notes into GitHub Issues. Those converted sticky notes will appear as app cards on the board.

ServiceRocket extends the power of Miro with a new suite of enterprise-ready integrations

ServiceRocket’s new apps and integrations provide incredible value to Miro users across Salesforce, GitHub, and Autodesk. ServiceRocket is a technology solutions partner that helps thousands of enterprises get the most out of their software. The latest addition to their portfolio of enterprise-ready solutions: a suite of new apps and integrations for Miro’s public App Marketplace.

5 Time Tracking Software That Integrate With QuickBooks

Are you spending countless hours manually transferring time tracking data into QuickBooks? Not only is it tedious, but it’s also prone to errors that can mess with your payroll and invoicing. In this post, we’ll dive into five top-rated time tracking tools that integrate with QuickBooks, saving you time, money, and headaches.

What is API Integration? Understanding the Essentials

Welcome to Vivantio’s guide on API integration, where we will uncover the essentials of this powerful technology and how it can transform the way you automate your business processes, streamline your enterprise workflows, and enhance productivity. The seamless exchange of data and functionality between software applications and systems is paramount for efficient operations. This is where API integration and API management plays a pivotal role.

ConnectWise PSA and Exoprise Integration

With the increase in customers utilizing ConnectWise PSA (professional services automation) as their ticketing system, Exoprise has launched a new ConnectWise PSA integration. This integration, available for both Internal IT and Managed Service Providers (MSPs), enables automated ticket creation and resolution for Microsoft 365, cloud, UC and SaaS outage events into ConnectWise. Any network related event can be monitored and raised into ConnectWise in real-time.

Jira Integration: Add a Help Desk to Project Management And Software Development

If your organization already uses Jira for software development or project tracking but lacks a service desk, then this is perfect for having the best of both worlds. The InvGate Service Desk and Jira integration allows you to add a help desk to your Project Management and software development tools in just a few clicks. As a result, you'll be able to link any Jira issue to a service desk request, allowing quick access to detailed and real-time information on the Jira issue directly from InvGate Service Desk – avoiding having to go back and forth between solutions.

Seamless Cloud Integration: Transform Your Business

For businesses to stay competitive and efficient, integrating in-house cloud services and applications has become essential. Cloud integration allows businesses to connect and centralize data, workflows, and processes, unlocking the organization’s true potential In this article, we will explore the benefits of cloud integration and how it can transform your business.