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Project Management

The latest News and Information on Project Management, Methodologies, Productivity and Tools.

Time Logs: What are they? And Why are They Important?

You’ve heard it said over and over again that time is money. The reason that’s such an often repeated cliche is that it’s actually true. The time you and your team spend on projects and various activities throughout the office correlates directly with your profits. And time logs are a perfect way to organize it. If you don’t know how much time something takes, you can’t accurately gauge how important the task is for your bottom line or how valuable your time is.

A Guide to Workload Management in OneDesk

Workload management involves getting a clear picture of who is available and when, in order to utilize your team’s full capacity and exceed goals. In OneDesk there are multiple ways to manage your team’s workload. You can determine how many tasks are assigned to someone, how much time they have available in a given period, the actual time or progress logged to work, and more.

Solving Business Challenges: How to Identify and Address Your Company's Problems

It was all fun and excitement when you first created your business, but at some point, things got a bit sidetracked, and now problems are piling up! Whether it’s a drop in sales, an issue with product quality, or something else entirely, business challenges are inevitable. All businesses have their own unique set of challenges that they must face. It’s how you identify and address those problems that determine your company’s success.

Get Rid Of Micromanagement: Introduce Project Ownership to Save the Day

One of the most challenging management tasks for new and seasoned leaders is understanding how to appropriately delegate. Those struggling with delegation frequently appear as micromanagers, making their staff feel watched and distrusted. Most employees dislike being micromanaged. Thus it is in your best interest as a leader to stop this behavior before it has negative consequences such as low morale, lack of motivation, and staff turnover.

Customer Story: Raleigh-based marketing firm Peddle uses Zoho Projects to streamline their workflows

Watch how Raleigh-based marketing firm Peddle uses Zoho Projects to manage their day-to-day tasks effectively. Streamlining their workflows using task automation, ensuring transparency and visibility within their organization as well as with their clients, and customizations that promote scaling up are some of the reasons why they prefer Zoho Projects over other project management software.

Everything You Need To Know About Creativity In Planning

Creativity is a crucial element in the planning process. Without it, your plans may lack originality, freshness, and appeal. However, with a bit of creativity, you can infuse your goals with new ideas and perspectives that will make them more exciting and engaging. Creatives are often cited as critical ingredients in succession planning. In this article, we’ll explore the role creativity plays in effective planning and offer some tips for how to tap into your creative potential.

OneDesk - Ticket & Task Templates & Internal Forms

Learn how to create and configure multiple internal forms to create new tickets or tasks. Each form can have defaults values enabling you to configure templates for quick creation. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

Understanding OKRs for project management

OKRs can be a powerful tool in an organization’s arsenal for creating alignment, focusing on outcomes instead of just effort or task completions, and surfacing the right operational priorities. They’re just as powerful within departments and teams, and it’s in this latter area that project managers often start to get involved in the OKR process. But what about using OKRs within the project management discipline?