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7 Customer Journey Map Examples Across Industries

If you’re an avid Agatha Christie fan, you’ll notice the rough sketches and maps that the author adds to recreate the murder scenes. The courtyard, bedrooms, and living room are all mapped to help the reader visually reconstruct the happenings of the ominous day. The author is also content, knowing that the readers are in step with her as she takes them along the journey to solve the mystery.

Why asking, "How are you feeling today?" is so important for managers leading through change

When you’re driving change to your stakeholders—be it the executive team, your employees, the board, or even the customers—the situation comes with its own gravitational force. “You have every opportunity to lose trust and to see it erode. So being genuine and getting it right really matters,” Anna Binder, Asana’s Head of People, explains to me in her matter-of-fact style during a recent phone call.

Hybrid is breeding a divided workforce-stay connected with a shared digital workspace

As we shift into a new world of hybrid work another glaring trend is emerging: the workforce is more divided than ever. Today, people work in silos, ideas get lost in separate tools, and isolated teams lead to disengagement, work waste, and slowed progress. Among employees who self-identify as disengaged, 75% are actively looking for new work. The reality is, we have a digital economy, which requires a new way of working that is digital first, multi-team and multi-location.

IT Consultant Job Description & Main Tasks

The evolution of the digital landscape and increased dependency businesses have on technology solutions have created the perfect environment for IT consultants. Experts in the field of information technology and computer science are in demand. So to help out, we’re here to thoroughly review what an IT consultant job description looks like for those interested in pursuing a career.

Is a Performance Management System Right for Your Company?

A motivated workforce is an essential component of a successful business. Employees who know their role and what’s expected of them, and whose vision is aligned with that of the company, can take the organization to new heights. And organizations spend a lot of resources to bring their workforce to their most productive selves. According to a 2021 report, companies in the US spent a total of US$ 92.3 billion in 2021 for training their employees, a 12% increase from the previous year.

How to Cheat Time Trackers: Most Common Ways Employees Can Trick Time Tracking Software

Time tracking is an important part of any business. It helps you keep track of how much time employees spend on specific tasks, and it can help you identify areas where you can save money. However, some employees find ways to cheat the system and get paid for hours they did not work. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common ways employees can trick time tracking software and how to prevent them from doing so; as well, we will cover some time tracking software that can’t be cheated.

Upwork Reviews: How To Make The Best Out of It

You want to hire a talented but affordable graphic designer, and someone suggests Upwork. All you have to do is register on this global freelancing platform, create a job posting, and then sit back as a slew of candidates jump at the prospect of working on your project. You choose the best or most experienced freelancer, and your project is good to go. Simple, isn’t it? Well, not exactly. Here’s a comprehensive Upwork review to help you make the best of this digital freelance job site!

15 Useful Mobile Time Tracking Apps

Whether your team works remotely or moves from one job site to another, a mobile time tracking app can help keep you in the loop. They can ensure your timesheets are accurate and that your team remains productive even when they’re out of the office. However some mobile tracking systems are better than others, so it’s essential to choose wisely. To help you out, we’ve detailed 15 great mobile time tracking apps, their key features, pricing, and customer reviews.