Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

September 2022

Why Do Organizations Need an ITSM Ticketing System

For an IT team, the ability to respond to problems efficiently is arguably one of the most important aspects of the department. Sluggish reactions to IT issues can slow down an entire business, leaving core functions of an office slowed down or even completely unable to be performed. As a result, business leaders have a significant interest in ITSM ticketing systems.

ITSM Fundamentals: The Core Functions of ITSM

As businesses grow, hire more employees, and develop larger networks of IT assets, their need for a more comprehensive IT strategy grows. There has to be a framework upon which they handle requests, issues, or anything else relating to their internal network to keep a mid-size business running smoothly, This is where IT Service Management (ITSM) comes in. ITSM goes beyond just a basic ticketing system, setting a solid foundation with sets of procedures for every key aspect of IT.