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Employee Monitoring

Veriato vs ActivTrak: 2021 Comparison (Features, Pricing)

Interested in an in-depth Veriato vs ActivTrak comparison? When you have all your employees working from their computer, it may seem extremely daunting to understand how productively they are working. Fortunately, you can use employee monitoring software to increase productivity. This software, also known as ‘User Activity Monitoring’ (UAM) software, is useful for user behavior and computer monitoring, insider threat detection, and data loss prevention.

What Are The Negative Effects Of Employee Monitoring? (With Solutions)

Curious about the negative effects of employee monitoring? Technology has empowered companies to monitor employee performance and behavior in several sophisticated ways. There are tons of workplace monitoring solutions available on the market today, from surveillance cameras to productivity tracking software. And while employee monitoring sounds inviting for companies, the monitoring process is actually complicated due to ethical policies, privacy issues, and employee perceptions.

Teramind vs. ActivTrak | 2021 Feature Comparison

Teramind and ActivTrak are both popular employee monitoring software. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses which might make it suitable (or not) for your unique business needs. The table below compares Teramind vs. ActivTrak side-by-side in terms of key features and capabilities so that you can decide which solution is right for you.

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

For organizations and their employees, 2020 was a uniquely transformative and challenging year. Although this reality is expressed in many ways—including a global pandemic, a deep economic recession, perpetual social unrest and a litany of natural disasters—in the professional environment, it is most acutely observed in the rapid and wide-spread transition to remote work.

How to Measure Performance with Productivity Reports (2021 Guide)

Want to use productivity reports to measure employee performance? Measuring productivity is essential to understand how your organization can function better. Managers use several ways to measure employee productivity — like tracking performance metrics and implementing software or hardware systems to track employee behavior. However, all the collected productivity data won’t make a difference if they’re not organized into a presentable form with productivity reports.

The 2021 Complete Guide To Monitoring User Activities

Curious about monitoring user activities? User activity monitoring can offer tons of benefits to businesses of all sizes — from greater productivity and workplace transparency to reduced security risks. However, stealth monitoring can cause problems like legal issues, employee mistrust, and workplace privacy invasion. So what’s the right way to monitor user activities?

10 Smart Tips For Successful Remote Employee Productivity Management

Interested in remote employee productivity management? The COVID 19 pandemic has made it essential for many organizations to adopt a remote work culture. However, even before the pandemic, companies realized the value of having a remote workforce and overcame the initial challenges. They now operate efficiently and even flourish as an established remote business. So which remote employee monitoring techniques do they use to ensure remote employee productivity?