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Employee Monitoring

Why is Workplace Analytics Critical No Matter Where People Work?

Every year, businesses across the globe spend more than $200 billion on employees. That's a lot of money, right? In order to compete and win in today's economy, it's essential to understand how you can improve your productivity through analytics. Your goal is to build a workforce management strategy that helps you make informed decisions about recruiting talent, managing job roles, optimizing operations, and improving performance using analysis.

What is Computer Monitoring? Tips and Tools for the Workplace

A computer system network is an integral part of every workspace. Employees usually perform most of their job tasks directly on their workstations or through a remote computer. But there’s a lot of sensitive and confidential information stored and shared over these interconnected computers. So it’s no surprise that computer monitoring is a vital practice for most businesses. But what is computer monitoring exactly, and how does it help your business?

7 Benefits of Employee Productivity Tracking

In business, productivity is used to measure how efficiently the inputs of labor and capital are being used within the business economy to produce a given level of output. For most businesses, the higher the rate of production, the higher the revenue. With that said, developing and maintaining efficient rates of productivity is an ongoing challenge for business. With new technology brings new challenges and new solutions for businesses to explore when looking to maximize productivity and revenue.

1st Anniversary | Award winning Employee Monitoring Software |

We are so grateful and delighted to announce that turns one today. This is how our journey has been. Thank you to the whole team who made it come true , our mentors Mr. Abhishek Gupta, Mr. Nilesh Khare who were there with us in the thick and thin and our customers. Over to the next one! Cheers