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What is Toxic Productivity? 7 Ways to Find the Balance

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of dread. You feel the weight of an endless to-do list weighing down on you. Diving headfirst into work, you push yourself to be productive at all costs. Sleep becomes a luxury. Self-care becomes a distant memory, and your relationships begin to suffer. This toxic productivity makes it pervasive in our fast-paced and demanding world. Toxic productivity is the unyielding pursuit of constant busyness.

Building a Collaborative Work Culture: Tips for Success

In the fast-paced and interconnected business landscape, we inhabit today, collaboration emerges as a formidable catalyst for organizational success. Cultivating a vibrant work culture that embraces collaboration goes beyond the surface level of teamwork, it fuels innovation, sparks creativity, and enhances problem-solving capabilities. When a diverse group of individuals comes together within an atmosphere of trust and open communication, something extraordinary takes place.

A huge new update for Element Call Beta 3!

I can’t believe it but it’s been a year since we last updated you about the progress of Element Call, our Matrix-based VoIP product. We haven’t been resting on our laurels though, a huge amount of work has been going on over the last twelve months, and today we bring an absolutely massive new update in Beta 3 of Element Call.

OZG, Onlinezugangsgesetz, or Online Access Act: Germany's path to digital transformation

OZG (Onlinezugangsgesetz) is the latest example of a European-based law that aims to improve the quality of public services for citizens. The German Online Access Act is yet to be fully implemented, but the implications are far-reaching. European countries often set the trends and standards with their legislation: will there be a spillover effect, and will other countries follow the German lead? This remains to be seen in the following years.

10 Key Benefits of a Hybrid Work Model for Employers

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, millions if not billions of people around the world switched from commuting and working at the office to working from home. This was a drastic change for many people as they had to adapt quickly to the “new normal” life we were living. This shift was rapid; however, many employees did not complain as the need to commute to work, wake up early, wear formal clothes, and pack lunch daily all fell away.

A Developer's Guide to Notification APIs

While marketing-related notifications are often handled by marketing automation platforms, engineering teams require notification infrastructure that is designed for automated product-driven notifications. This might be a simple SMS password reset notification or new user onboarding email sequence. Or it may be a more complex notification tied to a feature of the application, such as an approval request sequence.

Career Coaching: A Powerful Weapon For Increased Productivity

In a world where competition is as fierce as a Monday morning without coffee, it’s no wonder that individuals are on a run to boost their productivity and conquer their professional goals. But don’t worry, we have a secret weapon just for the right purpose: career coaching! Yes, you heard it right. Career coaching is the not-so-secret-anymore sauce that has taken the working world by storm.