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What is Cronyism in the Workplace and How to Prevent It

We’ve all heard of nepotism, aka the act of favoring family members in the workplace. But what about cronyism? It’s the ‘insidious’ cousin that thrives within the organization itself. Cryonism is not about blood ties, but about the web of personal connections that trumps qualifications and merits. In this article, we will peel back the layers of cronyism, from its damaging effects to ways to prevent it, and some cronyism examples for better understanding.

Steering Committee: Role, Responsibilities, and Best Practices

Every business understands the importance of staying on track in any endeavor — may it be creating a new IT system or launching a new product. To ensure that such projects deliver the intended results, having a steering committee is a good solution. Usually comprised of key stakeholders and experts, this committee acts as a guiding hand in project management and risk mitigation.

What is an Independent Contractor Agreement? [Sample Template]

Businesses thrive and succeed because they know how to utilize collaboration. There are situations where a project or a task requires a specialized skill or expertise beyond the in-house team. This is where independent contractors come in very helpful. To ensure a smooth and fruitful working relationship with this third-party provider, a well-drafted contractor agreement is crucial. This guide dives into the essential aspects of contractor agreements, exploring their benefits and components.

Guide to Physical Annual General Meetings in the Digital Age

Beyond the presentation of financial reports and performance, annual general meetings serve as vital pillars of corporate governance. They serve as a forum where shareholders and stakeholders convene for discussions, dialogues, and decisions crucial to the organisation’s trajectory.

A Guide to Different Meeting Types & Agendas [Free Templates]

Meetings can be powerful tools for productivity, but poorly run ones can dampen energy and damage team morale. Save your team from frustrations by running targeted discussions with well-structured agendas. Define clear objectives, realistic deadlines, and task ownership to enhance engagement and cultivate a more dynamic collaborative environment. Are you using the right meeting format to achieve your goals?

Effective one-on-one meetings: Free template and agenda

Both managers and employees sometimes view one-on-one meetings with trepidation. Managers worry about the correct format and handling tough discussions, while employees might dread criticism or question the meetings' usefulness. But when effectively organized and focused on open communication, the one-on-one meeting is a key driver of team productivity, morale, and engagement, benefiting all involved.

Hosting Effective Hybrid Meetings with MS Teams: Best Practices and Tips

As many companies are adopting a combination of on-site and remote work, the way meetings are conducted is also changing. Today, hybrid meetings are becoming much the norm amongst workplaces — sometimes referred to as the “new normal”. Regardless of location, teams can now seamlessly collaborate, and keep track of progress and tasks without the need to travel. Learn more about how this meeting format works, as well as hybrid meeting tips and practices to take into account.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Board Administrator

As custodians of organizational order, a board administrator is typically accountable for supporting the management of board governance, policies, and procedures. They essentially provide administrative support to the board — may it be scheduling meetings or preparing board documents. In this guide, we’ll explore the duties and responsibilities of an administrator, and the skills and knowledge one should possess.

Top Cloud Security Threats and How to Prevent Them

Cloud hosting is becoming the norm due to its efficiency, accessibility, flexibility, and scalability. Not only that, but it also optimizes IT expenses and encourages collaboration. However, with the rise of digitalization comes a surge of cloud security risks. With such threats, business leaders must be attentive to the cloud security of their businesses.