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The Ultimate Guide To Managing Remote Employees in 2020

Managing remote employees can be a challenge for many team managers — especially if you recently switched to remote work due to the Coronavirus pandemic! But don’t worry, managing remote teams isn’t difficult! To help you out, we’ll cover a few essential tips on managing remote employees in this article. We’ll talk about the challenges of managing remote employees, the best solutions to them and highlight a few essential tools for every remote team.

How to align remote teams with your company vision

TL;DR: Vision gives companies a goal to work towards. It gives teams — especially remote teams — specific objectives that offer step-by-step guidance for accomplishing important goals. Even when remote teams are separated by several time zones, a clear vision statement helps individual team members understand how every decision they make can have a positive impact for the entire company. Here’s how to get started. A vision statement is a lot like your company’s North Star.

Attention leaders: there's something your team isn't telling you

You’re a manager. You’re not one to pat yourself on the back, but you’ve got to admit: your team is doing pretty darn well. At least, that’s how it seems to you. Big projects are being checked off the list, deadlines are being met. You haven’t had to referee any heated conflicts, your inbox has no complaints. You’re good! But is that the whole story? Our research suggests your direct reports might describe the situation a wee bit differently.