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A two-way flow of information is key, and our new partner is making it happen!

While working from home has been a welcome change for a large fraction of the workforce, it does not come without its own set of caveats. Project management tools have aided in this en masse shift to remote work greatly, but many organizations have faced a recurring issue over the past few months; siloed tasks and processes, and lack of visibility across multiple platforms. So we’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Unito, a one-stop collaboration tool which addresses this very issue!

How Failure to Communicate Almost Cost These Businesses Everything

Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. You wouldn’t expect your loved ones to read your mind, would you? ( least not all of the time) So why should your customers and employees have to do all of the guesswork? The single biggest mistake most companies make is the failure to communicate, losing their customers’ interest, and sometimes even their trust. And without internal communication with their team, businesses would simply cease to exist.

7 strategies to win back your customers' trust after a damaged brand reputation

Experiencing a PR faux pas is inevitable no matter how hard you try to avoid it for your brand. The risk of making an embarrassing mistake is all the more heightened because customers are constantly engaged with your brand through digital channels. A small mistake can be overblown and become viral on the web within an hour. “Even the best intentions can be misread by customers, and oftentimes it takes a lot of work to undo even a simple error,” explains Dan Fries, PR adviser at BlueTree.

4 ways badges can boost community engagement

Building a user community is one of the most valuable things a business can do for both its brand and its customers. When you bring customers together to learn from each other, everyone wins. Creating an online community space is one thing, but actually getting people to show up and use it regularly is the harder part. Badges are a powerful tool for increasing engagement in an online community.

A complete solution for installing Mattermost: Introducing Mattermost Omnibus

Some time ago, a group of Mattermost contributors sat down to think about how to improve the installation and maintenance flow of the platform. Managing a Mattermost install is quite straightforward already thanks to its binary distribution, but you still need to install and manage the different components that surround the application itself: the database, the web proxy, and the SSL certificate.

The changemaker's guide to pitching your project idea

This is it! This is the project you’ve been waiting for. The one that’s going to define your career and challenge you and totally transform “the way things are done around here.” The project your team will point to five years from now as the inflection point that ushered in a new era of awesome. If, that is, you can get the project approved, prioritized, and properly resourced.

10 Brainstorming Tools to Improve Teamwork

Does your small business have remote workers? Or are you allowing your employees to work from home owing to the pandemic? You are not alone. In fact, 57% of small business owners are considering allowing their employees to work from home post-pandemic. While doing remote work is achievable and more productive, according to studies, you need to implement some effective brainstorming tools to facilitate creativity and improve teamwork.

How to build and scale your customer onboarding process

The post-purchase period is a critical transition time for customers. Often, they need guidance on how to get the most value out of your products. In fact, 88% of buyers in a 2020 Wyzowl report said they’re more likely to remain loyal to a business that provides welcoming, educational onboarding content. Customer onboarding is something you have to get right—every time.

How To Measure Remote Employee Productivity (Metrics, Tips, Tools)

Wondering how to measure productivity of employees working from home? While remote work helps employers reduce costs, it also offers a better work life balance to employees, who benefit from increased productivity. And with the current COVID-19 pandemic, transitioning to remote work has become the default option for thousands of companies. However, as your employees are no longer in the same office space, many employers are left wondering how to measure their productivity.

New to Teamwork: Unlimited Client Users for better collaboration and happier clients

Transform how you collaborate with clients using Teamwork’s innovative new Client User role. Give your clients the full power of Teamwork for better collaboration, greater visibility, and a more productive client experience, at no extra cost. As an agency or professional services firm, clients are at the heart of everything you do.