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How to get started with visual thinking: Diversify your brainstorm sessions with these visual thinking techniques

Unlike verbal or word-based thinking, which is sequential and linear, visual thinking uses imagery and spatial representation to organize information. For visual thinkers, this way of laying out information sparks creativity and imagination, as it helps them comprehend concepts, identify new patterns, and make connections.

How to build a scalable IT budget

How much business could your business do without IT? These days, “none” is far and away the most common answer. Yet many organizations struggle with how to approach spending and budgeting related to IT. Information technology may be the backbone of a business, but it usually isn’t front and center in strategic discussions and high-level decision-making. And whatever spending is happening, the budgeting process underneath it often doesn’t scale well.

Reasons Why Email Hosting is Essential for Your Business

Emails play an essential role in any company. They allow us to connect with people all around the world, promote our products and services, share vital information, and collaborate on projects. Regular email services, on the other hand, are notoriously unreliable and vulnerable to security breaches. This is why people and companies are always looking for safer and better solutions.

Poor Productivity Management Damages Your Workforce, Competitive Edge, & Bottom Line

Discover key strategies for enhancing operational efficiency and boosting employee productivity. This blog explores how managers can leverage Insightful’s analytics to drive business success and improve workplace dynamics, supporting sustained growth and a satisfied workforce.

How I do it in Miro: Streamline your sprint planning with Rosanna Knottenbelt

While sprint planning tools aim to streamline the planning process and enhance collaboration, they can also introduce challenges. Some tools lack flexibility, forcing teams to adapt their practices to fit the tool rather than supporting their preferred way of working. A lack of customization options can also hinder the effectiveness of these tools, leading to outdated data, information silos, and the need for workarounds. The result is poorly defined plans and wasted time.

How Do You Tell if Your Boss Is Monitoring Your Computer?

Do you have some suspicions that you are being monitored? So, how do you tell if your boss is monitoring your computer? Learn some of the best ways you can do this. Also read about the importance of transparency and open communication between employers and employees when it comes to monitoring practices.

How businesses overcome digital transformation challenges

Every click, swipe, and digital interaction contributes to business outcomes in the modern age. Most of us do digital work to create a valuable customer experience (which may also be entirely digital) and track digital metrics to show business growth or achievement of business goals — and even the goals and growth may be primarily or entirely digital! As businesses adjust to the realities of a digital environment, many are undertaking digital transformation programs.

Employee Productivity and Job Satisfaction

Most business owners want their employees to be productive and happy. Productive employees are essential to any company, but employees who are satisfied with their jobs are just as important. This blog post will inform ten ways to boost employee productivity and job satisfaction. Follow the ten ways, and you can rest assured that your employees will be happier and more productive!

Data-Driven Insights - Leverage workforce analytics to manage efficiency in remote work

Flexible work brings multiple benefits but demands managing time and efficiency for remote teams operating distributed across locations. With 51% of the remote workforce experiencing disengagement at work, organizations need to stay in sync with how teams work and what efficiency they gain.