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Giving clients access to automation: It's a good thing

When it comes to no-code document automation, the question invariably arises: How much access should be given to clients when it comes to template questionnaires, especially as it applies to legal clients? This could include external clients for law firms, those who are paying the law firm for legal services, or internal clients for in-house, those who are requesting services from the legal department. You may be wondering why they need access to the template questionnaire at all!

A Guide to Incident Management Ticketing Systems

This post will help to answer the following questions: Incident management is a core function of any IT department, covering internal and external support ticket resolution. As such, it’s not surprising that many companies building out their IT department will likely implement an incident management ticketing system. Support tickets, or incidents, represent an individual user issue with a business’s product or IT network.

How to streamline your contract creation process with help from your clients

Those who are tasked with drafting contracts recognize the frustration of wasting time to get all the needed information before drafting a contract. Both law firms and in-house counsel have clients who need contracts—customers of the law firm or those in businesses relying on the company’s legal department for their contracting needs.

Document automation and legal design: A discussion

In September 2022, current M-Files Vice President of Ment Kaisa Kromhof discussed how document automation impacts legal design with Hannele Korhonen, founder of Lawyers Design School. The discussion was recorded before Ment joined M-Files and offers some keen insights into the history of Ment prior to the acquisition as well as some deeper insights into the legal tech world. For a transcript of the talk feel free to access it here.

5 non-tech tips to get the most of out of document automation

As global disruptions continue to make headlines, it’s never a bad idea to learn how to maximize effectiveness across all your business processes, including document automation. What follows are a few tips on how to prepare for and make the most of document automation, and by extension the efficiencies that can be absorbed from it.

Scaling to great heights with M-Files Ment

M-Files Ment is a dynamic no-code document automation platform that allows users to automate documents in minutes – without requiring technical resource. One of its unique qualities is that it allows users—for example, lawyers—to produce templates easily through its 100% no-code visual interface with minimal training. You can pick it up easily and run with it, allowing users to scale their team’s automated documents quickly and at reduced cost.

Are your data agreements compliant?

Note: The following blog post originally appeared on the M-Files Ment website in late 2022—before the deadline of changes to Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) went into effect. However, we’re featuring this post to help those who may still have questions or concerns about SCCs changes. Changes to data protection regulations is an ever-evolving continuum across all continents.

Wire for Android - Changes under the hood and the way ahead

Just recently, we have relaunched Wire for Android on a completely new code base. This brings a lot of improvements, especially better performance in the app, seamless notifications, and much better reliability. But even more important: The release will allow us to deploy features much faster in the future and brings better modularity to the development process. This approach comes with some compromises, though. We had to disable a few features that are loved by many of our users.