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Are You an Underdog in Business? We Want to Hear from You!

In this episode of Rework, host Kimberly Rhodes sits down with 37signals founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson to hear about the company's fondness for underdogs – small businesses that are scrappy, do more with less, and use creativity over big budgets. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear from you and just might have you on an episode of Rework to share your story. Plus, the lucky winner will get one year of Basecamp Pro Unlimited on us!

Get that "We did it!" feeling with Basecamp

Small businesses are our favorite businesses. Small is not less than. It’s greater than. It’s faster than. It’s friendlier than. It’s better than. You don’t get to lose money like they do. Instead, you have to make it work. That means doing the great work that small organizations must do to survive, thrive, and stand out. Basecamp can absolutely help you with that. Our business is better because it runs on Basecamp, and we’re confident yours can be too.

Moving from Basecamp 2 to Basecamp 4 | Basecamp Office Hours

In this Basecamp Office Hours session (recorded live on July 13, 2023), Ashley and Kimberly from 37signals he Basecamp Customer Success team are joined by Basecamp People Operations team – Head of People Andrea LaRowe, and Recruiter Bethany Weidmeier. During this one-hour session, the team shows how Basecamp can be set up for company Human Resource functions, recruiting, and onboarding new employees. The Basecamp team also answer customer questions live during the webinar.

Leaving the Cloud: The Finale - Rework Podcast

You’ve no doubt heard the 37signals team talking about leaving the cloud. Well, now the transition is complete! In this episode of Rework, 37signals co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson and Director of Operations Eron Nicholson sit down with host Kimberly Rhodes to discuss the unexpected speed of the move, the decisions, the hurdles they faced, and the behind the scenes of the meticulous process of moving their major applications, including those that had never before been run outside the cloud.

Two-Person Teams: Listener Questions

This week, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, co-founders of 37signals, join host Kimberly Rhodes to answer listener questions from the recent episode about Two-Person Teams. They tackle topics ranging from two-person team collaboration techniques to their innovative approach to team cooldown periods and the benefits for individuals and the overall project workflow. Listen in as they discuss their journey in refining the on-call process and the power of "spring cleaning" to address unresolved issues.