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New in Basecamp: Easier Edits

We're making Basecamp better! It's now easier to make quick edits. Before, editing titles or renaming tools in a Basecamp project took multiple steps, taking you to a different page, and then back again. We made it easier! Now, you can rename projects, tools, documents, messages and more without ever leaving the page. Simply click and make your changes.

The 3 Keys to Thought Leadership That Drives ROI w/ Susan Baier

How can you leverage thought leadership to gain new followers, win new clients, keep them longer and increase referrals for your agency? Susan Baier, Founder of Audience Audit, where they help agencies create thought leadership content based on quantitative research that builds trust with potential clients, has seen thought leadership done well (with great results) and has seen it done poorly (with wasted time and money).

No-Code Workflow Builder: Automate Processes Across Your Business!

Workflows are a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes – if they are intuitive enough to be used by tech and non-tech-savvy people alike. InvGate Service Desk's visual workflow builder already allowed users to drag and drop components into a process to define its multiple steps. But with the latest update, they can build, modify, and optimize them in minutes without technical knowledge — making it perfect for speeding up your Enterprise Service Management (ESM) strategy!

What is customer centricity? Here's how to put your customers first | Zendesk

Wondering what it truly means to put your customers first? We've got you covered. Discover what customer centricity means, why it’s so important, and dive into three essential tips for prioritizing a customer-centric culture within your business. Watch now and take the first step to leading your business towards a customer-centric future.

Slack's Customer Success Podcast: Episode 4 - Internal Comms

Finally here, our fourth episode! For today’s episode we have Emily Zwecker, Senior Manager of Internal Comms here at Slack. In this episode Emily shares a lot of knowledge and some great tips, to help Internal Comms teams to work through Slack in a way that is more simple, more pleasant and more productive.