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How a Hospital uses OneDesk to connect their departments and software

With the pandemic that rocked the world in 2020, a spotlight has been shone on healthcare systems and the challenges there are in running these institutions. Beyond the medical and research components, there are lots of supporting departments that are still needed to ensure hospitals and medical equipment are operating effectively.

Case Study: Healthcare Provider Cuts their Paper-Pushing Time by 20% to Spend More Time with Patients

The world’s healthcare workers have taken center stage in 2020, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The work they do to keep patients healthy is tough work — hallmarked by long shifts and lots of information to digest and record. Anyone in the healthcare space will attest to the fact that managing information sits at the center of their work. They need to access patient information, process insurance claims, record new patient information, among tons of other document-related work.

How to Measure Employee Productivity in the IT Industry

Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in the IT industry? It’s no secret that measuring employee productivity is one of the hardest things to do these days. As there are so many variables to keep track of, determining how well an employee is performing can be a very confusing process for most businesses. And when you’re dealing with the IT sector, this can become even more challenging! But don’t worry.

How private-sector tech companies are stepping up to the COVID-19 fight

In a drastic worldwide attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19, one third of the global population is now experiencing some form of lockdown. For the millions of Americans who have filed for unemployment over the last few weeks, there is nothing to do but wait. But for those on the frontline, time has never felt so limited. As hospitals around the world face buckling under the pressure of wave after wave of new patients, increasing the capacity of our healthcare systems has become our priority.