Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Do You Treat Your Best Customers the Same as Your Worst Customers?

If you're using one of the big "standard-issue" service management platforms. You might be forced into some very costly Customer Service practices. For B2B companies, in particular, it is critical to be able to segment the allocation of your firm’s time and attention to your most valuable customers. The issues might include being able to address each customer with individual rules and to accommodate dynamic re-prioritization.

B2B Customers' Best CSR? Themselves!

Let's start with two surprising statistics: Determining where you are, today, and developing a strategy for advancement can be greatly assisted with the help of an experienced partner. Especially one who can share—and amplify—your vision. If you're ready to accelerate your self-service efforts, speak to one of Vivantio's experts today to discover what's possible with a short timeframe and a reasonable investment.

What if you could connect 100% of your CSM, ESM, or ITSM data sources to your service teams?

The idea of a single view into the enterprise has existed for some time as a "holy grail" concept—not just for Customer Service teams, but for IT leaders, and managers looking for big-picture dashboards for better decision-making. The trouble with realizing this concept has historically been an unreasonable investment in time and treasure to tear-down and rebuild vast enterprise systems. Today's fast-paced mergers and acquisitions activities only compound the technical challenges.

Vivantio Roles and Permissions

Are you a company with multiple departments using the same ITSM platform or an IT service desk with multiple technicians? If so, you might want to enable roles and permissions. Roles and permissions are crucial because they determine who–and what departments–can perform certain operations and access particular (e.g., confidential) data within the software. In this video, Lauren, our content marketing specialist, provides an overview of the roles and permissions capabilities within the Vivantio platform.