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Courier Live: First Look at Notifying Multiple Recipients using Lists

Danny from Courier Engineering joins Aydrian and take a look at the new Courier Lists feature that allow you to send notifications to multiple recipients with a single API call. Click "Show More" to jump to key moments in the video. Courier: The smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design once, deliver to any channel with one API.

How to implement Goals across your organization with the Asana Way of Change

With Goals in Asana, teams now have a way to connect big-picture company goals to the daily work that supports those goals. But to help your team successfully implement Goals, you need a powerful and established change-management strategy to set your team up for success. Simply put, you need the Asana Way of Change. The Asana Way of Change implements change management best practices to help your team develop a roadmap to lasting change.

3 Weak Spots Where Your Information Governance Breaks Down

To say that information governance is critical in the fast-paced digital era that we’re currently living in is probably a little bit of an understatement. Every day, businesses are creating countless volumes of data that contain the insight necessary to guarantee success for the next five, ten or even twenty years of that organization’s existence.

Developer Sneak Peek | Folded reply threads

Folded reply threads are one of our most-requested features at Mattermost. In this Developer Sneak Peek, Caleb Roseland shares an update of how we're kicking off our overhaul of reply threads. Want to learn more? Join the Mattermost Community to ask questions, share feedback and connect with other Mattermost users.